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The Huntington’s disease (HD) community has recently experienced setbacks, but a new research report may reignite hope, from an unexpected source: the vitamin thiamine (B1), with help from biotin (B7). The investigators, from several institutions in Spain and UCLA, wrote in 2021 in Science Translational Medicine, “Together, these results demonstrate a thiamine deficiency in HD brain and suggest that individuals with HD might benefit from thiamine and/or biotin supplementation therapy.”

In the ordinary chronicling of agribashing, we recently witnessed in France a ‘scary’ report on Google News or MSN News of the individual who had his tap water analyzed and found traces of more than 200 pesticides. It was ‘fake news,’ the latest example of outrageous criticisms of modern farming, which once again demonstrates the press’ lack of ethics, but also the strange passivity of public agencies which allow their data and studies to be distorted and misrpresented without any pushback.

| | April 19, 2024

The consumer genome sequencing company 23andMe is a sinking ship – and its CEO is conducting the orchestra.

| | April 19, 2024

Accelerated aging — when someone’s biological age is greater than their chronological age — could increase the risk of cancer tumors.

Organic farming certainly has a lot to offer to humans and the environment, but that doesn’t mean it’s always better than conventional farming. To understand how this can be the case, we need to start from the basics: who ‘names’ and ‘certifies’ cultivation, and how. Organic farming means that farmers produce raw materials and food … Read more

| | April 19, 2024

A solution may be around the corner to an avian flu outbreak that has led to the deaths of millions of chickens over the past two years, causing food prices to rise, impacting opportunities for farm workers, and raising concerns about public health.

| | April 19, 2024

I was proud to join my Iowa Senate colleagues in passing Senate File 2412 this legislative session. As a farmer, I know how important glyphosate is to raising crops. This legislation protects the future of domestically produced crop protection products, like Roundup, and ensures Iowa farmers have the tools they need to feed our growing population.

Small pieces of plastic, now termed microplastics have infiltrated all ecosystems, posing a severe threat to wildlife…and now us. New research has shown that microplastics — especially its microscopic offspring, nanoplastics — might accumulate within our bodies, too.

Eugenics is widely regarded as a debunked pseudoscience—developed and promoted mostly in Nazi Germany—that fell off the political radar.

| | April 18, 2024

A poignant, 2,000-year-old burial in northern Italy could be the latest evidence of an ancient friendship between man and dog.

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