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| January 12, 2022

Andrew Kimbrell has turned the Center for Food Safety–no, not the FDA’s CFS, but an advocacy group–into the legal arm representing organic and natural product groups targeting conventional ag and biotechnology.

| November 23, 2021

tephanie Seneff (born 1949) is an MIT computer scientist who alleges that vaccines, prescription drugs, glyphosate and GMO crops paired with the weedkiller glyphosate (Roundup) cause autism, ADHD and other health conditions.[1] While experts have widely dismissed Seneff as a fringe voice without relevant credentials, alternative health advocates, organic marketers and trade associations frequently promote … Read more

December 8, 2020

obert Francis Kennedy, Jr. (born 1954) is the third child and second son of the late Attorney General, US Senator and Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy (RFK). He is an anti-vaccine, anti-GMO and anti-pesticide litigator who espouses health and environmental claims that stand outside mainstream science. He promotes his views through his nonprofit, Children’s Health … Read more

| August 26, 2020

Osteopath who believes traditional medicine “responsible for killing … millions of Americans every year” promotes discredited alternative therapies–that he sells

| July 10, 2018

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) is a non-profit research and advocacy organization that “works locally and globally at the intersection of policy and practice to ensure fair and sustainable food, farm and trade systems.” IATP has offices in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Geneva, Switzerland, and operates both locally and internationally. The group campaigns … Read more

| June 12, 2018

The US Food Sovereignty Alliance (USFSA), founded in 2010, is a US-based alliance of “food justice, anti-hunger, labor, environmental, faith-based and food producer groups” that is behind the growing agroecology movement. The alliance says it works “to end poverty, rebuild local food economies and assert democratic control over the food system.” One way that they … Read more

December 18, 2017

Bioscience Resource Project collaborates with anti-GMO activists and promotes anti-GMO, anti-pesticide and anti-conventional agriculture claims through their “Independent Science News” website.

September 14, 2017

Despite every other major health agency, including three others at the World Health Organization, finding glyphosate does not cause cancer, IARC continues to stand behind its controversial claim.

May 31, 2017

“It’s so disappointing that they are so wrong on genetically modified organisms,” wrote Harvard microbiologist Kevin Bonham about UCS, reflecting the general concern among scientists that it simplistically criticizes conventional agriculture.

April 11, 2017

David Suzuki gained international fame from his science media shows. He’s since become an environmental activist promoting chemophobia and anti-GMO views.

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