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Hop in the car to meet your lover for dinner and a flood of dopamine—the same hormone underlying cravings for sugar, nicotine and cocaine—likely infuses your brain’s reward center, motivating you to brave the traffic to keep that unique bond alive. But if that dinner is with a mere work acquaintance, that flood might look more like a trickle, suggests new research by CU Boulder neuroscientists.

In Southeast Asia, most smallholder farmers rely on cassava: its starch-rich roots form the basis of an industry that supports millions of producers. In the past decade, however, Cassava Witches’ Broom disease has stunted plants, reducing harvests to levels that barely permit affected farmers to eke out a living.

| | January 29, 2024

Ask a researcher: Tyrannosaurus rex probably didn’t roar like a lion. The sound it made might have been even scarier.

| | January 19, 2024

Why do many celebrities reject science? Watch the video below to find out which Hollywood stars are anti-vaccine. 1. Jenna Elfman Jenna Elfman is best known for her leading role in the ABC sitcom Dharma. In 2015, she spoke up on Facebook about a California bill removing personal belief exemptions from school vaccination requirements. In … Read more

A US woman with a rare double uterus has given birth twice in two days – after a “one in a million” pregnancy.

| | January 8, 2024

We haven’t been very kind to Neanderthals since their remains were first unearthed in the 19th century, often characterizing them as lumbering dimwits or worse. Even today, their name is sometimes hurled at misbehaving members of our own species, though there is no evidence they engaged in any kind of prehistoric hooliganism.

, | | December 14, 2023

Technologies like CRISPR gene editing, synthetic biology, bionics integrated with AI, and cloning will create “new humans,” says Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee.

| | November 15, 2023

A new poll pits Kennedy, Trump, and Biden in a three-way race for the presidency — the “worst three way a Kennedy has ever been a part of”

In this episode of Beyond the Noise, Dr. Paul Offit discusses a recent court ruling in Mississippi put children at greater risk of vaccine-preventable diseases.

| | September 27, 2023

After Ann Johnson suffered a stroke 18 years ago, she became paralyzed and lost the ability to speak. Now, with the help of a brain implant and artificial intelligence, she is able to communicate verbally again through a digital avatar.

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