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Reality is perceived by the definitions we give; the black and white lines we draw upon a grey canvas. So in communications, the message is controlled by the wordsmither – the one framing the language that guides our social discourse.

, | | November 20, 2023

Study that supports the use of Wegovy, to cut heart attacks and deaths in obesity patients with a history of cardiovascular disease.

Academics, universities and government agencies are overhauling or ending research programs designed to counter the spread of online misinformation amid a legal campaign from conservative politicians and activists who accuse them of colluding with tech companies to censor right-wing views.

During my lifetime, Western societies have enjoyed innovations that have immensely improved public health and the quality of life as well as economic and social advances, food and energy security as well as technologies that have provided for an affluence far beyond that which our grandparents would ever have dreamt possible. And outside of the West, global trade and technology transfers have brought economic opportunities and social development upon once impoverished nations. And yet the companies and individual risk-takers who have delivered these advances are widely despised by a large number of activist influencers, stakeholders, storytellers and policymakers.

eality is perceived by the definitions we give; the black and white lines we draw upon a grey canvas. So, in communications, the message is controlled by the wordsmither – the one framing the language that guides our social discourse. Who is controlling the definitions of the concepts we are using in agriculture and food … Read more

“Fake news” may be new to most people, but not to followers of the anti-GMO debate. Here are some of the leading purveyors of misleading information.

Since the period of stakeholder dialogue in the 1990s and early 2000s, environmental activists engaged in the policy process to try to make an impact. And this worked for the easy wins (increased recycling, lower emissions and effluents, incentives for energy-saving devices, better water and air quality…) but enough was just never enough. The green ambition expanded towards banning synthetic chemicals, plastics, pesticides, fossil fuels, fertilisers, nuclear energy and GMOs, to name a few. This demanded more than just a handful of busy lobbyists and an umbrella group of NGOs. Lately their ambition has extended even further to, well, cancelling out capitalism, corporations and industry. As experience with the war on tobacco showed, regulations would only go so far, especially if you are battling against a product or activity the public want and expect. To defeat industry (ie, to save the world), NGOs would need to wage war on multiple fronts.

| | January 11, 2023

I am often bemused by how industry actors think of themselves. Often they are content with being the second slowest zebra in the herd, happily continuing to graze because today, the lions are getting their fill on another carcass.

| August 23, 2022

Among the four elements required to establish liability for the tort of negligence is causation. In addition to proving that the defendant was careless or otherwise breached the legal standard of care, the plaintiff must establish that the wrongful conduct caused the harm the plaintiff suffers.

| | June 1, 2022

The US Food and Drug Administration is investigating a potential link between a hepatitis A outbreak and fresh organic strawberries. The FDA with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and state and local partners, said the strawberries were branded as FreshKampo and HEB and … Read more

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