GLP Research Library

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Can GLP-1 drugs for obesity and diabetes, like Ozempic and Wegovy, help change the food industry? Consumers on these drugs experience a decline in their appetite and their appeal for sugary snacks filled with fats and sodium. Could this inspire consumer products companies to create healthier snacks?

Are organic foods really pesticide-free? Nope. Organic industry marketing misinformation is everywhere. An anonymous French whistleblower claims to have found over 200 “dangerous” chemicals, including pesticides, in the drinking water. News outlets rushed to cover the story — without stopping to check the facts.

| | April 24, 2024

A new study offers that bands of hunter-gatherers appear to have lingered for thousands of years as a homogeneous population.

Advances in early detection and management of the disease have changed the way patients view an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

| | April 24, 2024

4 years ago, physicians coined the term “long COVID” to describe a form of the viral infection from which recovery seemed impossible.

| | April 24, 2024

Genetically engineering crops to be colourful could help farmers produce food without using herbicides, as it would make it easier to spot weeds, scientists have said.

Since Mark Post first introduced his cultured meat burger in 2013, the industry has attracted nearly US$3 billion in private investment. In that time, over 150 incredible founders have established new companies, developing innovative food products by leveraging cell biology and advanced biomanufacturing techniques.

Methane is a dangerous heat-trapping gas responsible for 47 per cent of India’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The agricultural sector dominates India’s harmful emissions to the tune of 37 per cent and methane does 81 per cent of the damage within the sector. Indian farming over-uses resources like water, seeds and fertilizers. The need of … Read more

| | April 23, 2024

CRISPR has the potential to treat or even cure a gamut of inherited diseases which have long evaded researchers.

| | April 23, 2024

Research suggests that humans evolved to have larger buttocks compared to other mammals because we primarily walk on two legs.

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