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Human pedigree through the ages: 14 reasons why people may want to know more about their family history

DNA Exchange | 
Pedigrees have long been the backbone of genetics. Not surprisingly, therefore, we tend to think of pedigrees as primarily medical ...
Eugenics, racism and injustice: Inside the contentious history of the American Society of Human Genetics

Eugenics, racism and injustice: Inside the contentious history of the American Society of Human Genetics

The DNA Exchange | 
The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) recently released Facing Our History – Building An Equitable Future Initiative, a report ...

And Bob’s your uncle: A guide to defining kinfolk

DNA Exchange | 
The following is an excerpt. When genetic counselors attend family reunions, their unofficial job becomes Namer-of-Relationships. “Keith, you and I are ...

Genetic counseling and the customer service model of healthcare

DNA Exchange | 
The following is an edited excerpt. Genetic counselors wake up every morning and go to work because we are driven ...

Testing everyone for everything: The problems with genetic screening

DNA Exchange | 
The following is an edited excerpt. New techniques of DNA sequencing make it possible to test a single sample to determine carrier ...
Unbalanced scales SQUARE e

Genetic disease: The pitfalls of our risk perception

DNA Exchange | 
Statistics about genetic risk pass through patients’ psychological, cultural, social, and educational filters and out of the other side comes ...
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