What we know (and don’t) about the causes of autism

What causes autism? As researchers have worked to unravel t[autism's] nature, they've come to grips with some unsatisfying facts. One is ...
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Nap and coffee combo clears neurotransmitters so buzz more effective

It might sound crazy: conventional wisdom is that caffeine interferes with sleep. But if you caffeinate immediately before napping and sleep for ...

Why do mosquitoes always seem to bite you and not your friends? Could it be your genes?

You come in from a summer hike covered with itchy red mosquito bites, only to have your friends innocently proclaim ...

Genetics and beer consumption raise risk of mosquito bites

Blood type, metabolism, exercise, shirt color and even drinking beer can make individuals especially delicious to mosquitoes. You come in ...

Genetic disorder causes people to be born without fingerprints

In 2007, dermatologist Peter Itin was contacted by a Swiss woman with an unusual quandry: She was having trouble entering ...

Neuroscientist has the genes of a psychopath but an otherwise normal life

One afternoon in October 2005, neuroscientist James Fallon was looking at brain scans of serial killers. “I got to the ...

Can your genes predict when you’ll die?

In Greek myth, the amount of time a person spent on earth was determined at birth by the length of ...
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