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DNA and politics: Is there a genetic basis for right-wing authoritarianism?

Eric Dolan&nbsp|&nbsp
New research provides evidence that political leanings are more deeply intertwined with our genetic makeup than previously thought, specifically linked ...
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A genetic mutation that prevents Alzheimer’s? Columbian villager who ‘outlived’ early-onset Alzheimer’s may provide insights to disease treatment

Sonia Fernandez&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers have made significant advances in understanding the genetic form of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease ...
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What do you see when you imagine an apple or think of your best friend? Those with rare aphantasia can’t picture images in their heads

Philippa Roxby&nbsp|&nbsp
Most people can picture images in their heads - the look of an apple, the appearance of their kitchen or ...
Earlier detection and new therapies stirring a quiet revolution in treating Alzheimer's

Earlier detection and new therapies stir quiet transformation in Alzheimer’s treatment

Marc Agronin&nbsp|&nbsp
Advances in early detection and management of the disease have changed the way patients view an Alzheimer’s diagnosis ...
Going on 4 years year, 6.7% of Americans still suffer from brain-foggy remnants of COVID

Going on 4 years later, 1 in 16 Americans still suffer from brain fog and other remnants of COVID

Sara Novak&nbsp|&nbsp
4 years ago, physicians coined the term "long COVID" to describe a form of the viral infection from which recovery ...
Why is it so difficult to find a treatment for Huntington’s Disease?

Why is it so difficult to find a treatment for Huntington’s Disease?

Ricki Lewis&nbsp|&nbsp
The Huntington’s disease (HD) community has recently experienced setbacks, but a new research report may reignite hope, from an unexpected ...
Humans are naturally wired to feel fear. What happens in the brain when this turns into PTSD?

Humans are naturally wired to feel fear. What happens in the brain when this turns into PTSD?

Mario Aguilera&nbsp|&nbsp
Experiencing a generalization of fear is psychologically damaging and can result in debilitating long-term mental health conditions ...
Viewpoint: ‘Dead-end drugs’? First-generation breakthrough Alzheimer’s treatments are falling short of expectations

Viewpoint: Dead-end drugs? First-generation breakthrough Alzheimer’s treatments are falling short of expectations

Ross Pomeroy&nbsp|&nbsp
The quest to find effective treatments for Alzheimer’s disease has historically been a lost cause with failed drugs and dashed ...
What’s going on in your brain when you’re zoning out on the couch?

What’s going on in your brain when you’re zoning out on the couch?

Nora Bradford&nbsp|&nbsp
The brain's 'default mode' has inspired a raft of research into networks of brain regions and how they interact with ...
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AI and race: This bot can sniff out depression based on your social media posts — but only if you’re white

Courtenay Harris Bond&nbsp|&nbsp
Over the years, scientists had developed methods to identify depression by analyzing the language people use in social media posts ...
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How taking LSD to relieve anxiety disorder can work for months after the chemicals leave your brain

Josh Bloom&nbsp|&nbsp
Psychotropic drugs are all the rage now as a potential treatment of brain diseases. Examples are ketamine and psilocybin for ...
‘Infantile amnesia’: People can’t recall memories before the age of 3. Could there be an evolutionary purpose?

‘Infantile amnesia’: People can’t form conscious memories before the age of 3. Could there be an evolutionary purpose?

Sara Reardon&nbsp|&nbsp
Toddlers remember events in context, and new research suggests such memory lapses play an important role in brain development ...
Long Covid survivors may experience fog and other symptoms but no brain damage or reduction in problem solving and other functions

Long COVID survivors may experience brain fog and other symptoms but study suggests no lasting reduction in problem solving or other functions

Nina Kristiansen&nbsp|&nbsp
Participants in a recent study struggled with concentration and sleep, including individuals who had not had Covid-19 and some who ...
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Drug-free Alzheimer’s treatment: Headset and glasses combo that pulses with light and sound developed to combat cognitive decline

Emily Mullin&nbsp|&nbsp
An experimental device developed by Cognito Therapeutics seeks to slow cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s patients using light and sound ...

‘Suddenly everybody in the world looked like a creature in a horror movie’: Rare condition causes man to see distorted ‘demon’ faces

Sandee LaMotte&nbsp|&nbsp
Science now knows that people can develop PMO after a brain injury, tumor or infection, or after seizures such as ...
Bolsonaro, Modi, and Trump: What is so appealing about authoritarian men?

Bolsonaro, Modi, and Trump: What is so appealing about authoritarian men?

Bård Amundsen&nbsp|&nbsp
There are many voters voluntarily that give their vote to politicians who are not particularly interested in democracy ...
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Do the MAOA and CDH13 ‘human warrior genes’ make violent criminals—and what should society do?

Tabitha M. Powledge&nbsp|&nbsp
What can--or should--be done about genetic predispositions that lead to grim social consequences in only some of the people with ...
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Tapeworm brain infestation? That’s what happened after one man ate undercooked bacon for years on end

Vishwam Sankaran&nbsp|&nbsp
A man in the US with a history of consuming undercooked “soft” bacon for years has been found to have ...
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Can AI accurately guess your sexual orientation by scanning your brain?

Gary Wenk&nbsp|&nbsp
A recent study investigated whether sexual orientation can be reliably predicted, based solely on a brief five-minute brain scan ...
Mythos and Logos: Are people programmed to 'need' religion?

Mythos and logos: Are people programmed to ‘need’ religion?

Gregg Henriques&nbsp|&nbsp
Justification systems: science is one, religion can be thought of as another, while humans are ultimately justifying creatures ...
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Brain scans reveal how parental education and income affect kids’ development

Siw Ellen Jakobsen&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers have studied images of the brains of 10,000 American children finding parental education and income impact brain development ...
Multiple companies scrambling to develop brain-computer interface to restore movement in severely injured patients

Multiple companies scrambling to develop brain-computer interfaces that restore movement for severely injured patients

Jo Craven McGinty&nbsp|&nbsp
Device was temporarily implanted in a patient, moving it one step closer toward becoming a standard of care ...
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Slowing Alzheimer’s: Promising treatment evaluates using blood transfusions from young people

Elise Kjørstad&nbsp|&nbsp
Norwegian researchers are to test a possible new treatment using blood from young people to treat Alzheimer's disease ...
Studying chimpanzees to illuminate how speech evolved in humans

Studying chimpanzees illuminates how speech evolved in humans

Giovanni Anzalone&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists compared parts of the brain that correlate to speech in humans and primates to understand how speech evolved in ...
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Ancient African shrub ibogaine causes psychedelic hallucinations — and can reduce anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Why is it restricted in the US?

Daniel Gilbert, David Ovalle&nbsp|&nbsp
Stephen Jones suffers from a traumatic brain injury, but a psychedelic called ibogaine eased his suffering ...
Power of placebo: Here is how the ‘belief effect’ influences our views on nutrition, pain and mental health

Power of placebo: Here is how the ‘belief effect’ influences our views on nutrition, pain and mental health

Hayley Phillip&nbsp|&nbsp
There is a fascinating interplay between the power of belief and its profound impact on our corporeal health and nutrition ...
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First Neuralink brain implant patient plays computer chess with his mind

Alexa Corse, Rolfe Winkler&nbsp|&nbsp
Elon Musk’s Neuralink introduced the first patient to receive its brain-computer implant can now move a computer cursor using the ...
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