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Strawberries, threatened by disease, look to pesticide-avoiding genetic solution

Robert Gebelhoff&nbsp|&nbsp
Delectable strawberries are highly sought after — and not just by humans. Rodents, insects, fungi and bacteria all like to pig ...

How does synthetic biology, including genetic engineering, work?

Suzanne Jacobs&nbsp|&nbsp
Nature has always been the world's best engineer. That’s because there’s always been a divide between technology — the inanimate stuff ...
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GMO chicken could solve avian flu crisis, saving millions of birds, if only if….

Tamar Haspel&nbsp|&nbsp
The solution to avian flu, the virus responsible for the devastating eradication of chicken and turkey flocks across much of ...

GMOs are a touchy subject at the dinner table. Is thoughtful debate possible?

Jesse Hirsch&nbsp|&nbsp
The subject of GMOs can whip pleasant dinner conversation into an ugly froth. It’s a complicated issue, produced with complicated science. Worse, many ...

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow lectures Congress on science and safety of GMOs

Gwyneth Paltrow lent a touch of Hollywood glamor Wednesday to a campaign against legislation that would prevent the labelling of ...
golden rice by IRRI

Golden rice paper retracted over ethical concerns, not quality of science

Alison McCook&nbsp|&nbsp
The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article from the Retraction Watch website: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is retracting a paper that ...

Farmers need better communication with public on GMO issues

Doug Rich&nbsp|&nbsp
Farmers and ranchers are honest men and women who have been known to seal a deal just with a handshake ...

Opinions on GMO labeling cross partisan divide—for now

Clare Leschin-Hoar&nbsp|&nbsp
Unlike issues such as gun control or universal healthcare that fall neatly into "Red" and "Blue" territories, divisions over GMO ...

Nationwide mandatory GMO labeling bill won’t reduce food costs or address global farming challenges

Dan Murphy&nbsp|&nbsp
An attempt to pass a new law preempting efforts in several states to mandate GMO labeling is not only doomed ...

Are plants sentient beings with rights? What would this mean for conservation and agriculture?

Jeremy Hance&nbsp|&nbsp
Plants are intelligent. Plants deserve rights. To most of us these statements may sound, at best, insupportable or, at worst, ...
GMO corn

Boston Globe Editorial: GMO state labeling bills misguided, exaggerates illogical fears of food and Big Ag

Congress created mandatory nationwide food labels, and it is Congress that has a responsibility to ensure they don't stray from ...
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Anti-GMO critics claim Big Ag out lobbies “good food” organic supporters

Helena Bottemiller Evich&nbsp|&nbsp
The leaders of the so-called good food sector — including Chipotle, Whole Foods and Applegate — are winning big in ...
bee with my myer lemon tree

Do activists claiming pesticide Beemageddon really care about bee survival or is it tactical ploy?

We know that activist groups really care about bees. In 2013, about 200 activists held a funeral for 50,000 bumblebees that ...

Can genetic engineering resurrect extinct plant species?

The subject of extinction and de-extinction are much in the news at the moment, but discussions tend to focus on ...

Asia poised to overtake anti-GMO Europe in farming innovation

Leo Furcht, William Hoffman&nbsp|&nbsp
If current economic growth trends persist, the “Great Divergence” between Western Europe and East and South Asia in per capita ...

Obama declines to answer whether US supports GMOs in Ethiopia

Bruh Yihunbelay&nbsp|&nbsp
During his official visit to Ethiopia, President Barack Obama toured Faffa Foods highlighting why one of his signature policy initiatives ...

Would mandatory GMO labeling help consumers understand what they’re eating?

Adele Peters&nbsp|&nbsp
The House of Representatives recently passed a bill that prevents states from requiring GMO labels, despite the fact that nine ...
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Glyphosate carcinogenic? WHO clarifies conflicting declarations

A statement by the World Health Organization's cancer research branch, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), classifying the ...

GM moths may be eco-safe way to curb pest

Scientists from the Oxford University spin-off company Oxitec say they have developed a way of genetically modifying and controlling an ...

Has farm-to-table movement become a marketing sham?

Corby Kummer&nbsp|&nbsp
Today, chefs can’t shut up about where every morsel that went into every dish got its start in life. No ...
Neil Young Per Ole Hagen

Neil Young’s anti-GMO campaign is sham

Tony Dokoupil&nbsp|&nbsp
Neil Young is a perennially pissed-off legend of rock, a toe-tapping lyricist who has used his songs to protest a ...

India’s moratorium on GM eggplant not based on food safety

Deepti Verma&nbsp|&nbsp
Years after the government imposed an indefinite moratorium on the commercial release of Bt Brinjal, genetically-modified for resistance to the ...

Study concludes consumers would not view GMO label as warning

Jane Kolodinsky&nbsp|&nbsp
There is an economic and political battle taking place in America over the labeling of genetically modified (GM) foods. As ...

Organic agriculture ‘unscientific, heavily subsidized marketing gimmick’

Henry Miller&nbsp|&nbsp
Consumers of organic foods are getting both more and less than they bargained for. On both counts, it’s not good ...

Have humans manipulated ‘natural’ foods before modern GMOs? Look at a Renaissance painting

Phil Edwards&nbsp|&nbsp
Over time, we've bred watermelons to have the bright red color we recognize today. That fleshy interior is actually the ...

Farmers now planting generic GMO soybeans as Monsanto patent expires

Antonio Regalado&nbsp|&nbsp
Billy Maddox planted 100 acres of Roundup Ready soybeans this year. The big news is he didn’t pay Monsanto a ...
Standing rib roast

WHO’s IARC’s new target: Red meat, which may be classified, along with glyphosate, as carcinogen

Deena Shanker&nbsp|&nbsp
In March, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) made headlines when it declared that glyphosate, ...
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