kevin folta talking biotech

Kevin Folta

University of Florida plant geneticist Kevin Folta launched Talking Biotech in 2015. Folta debunks myths about modern farming techniques and teaches consumers how the powerful tools of biotechnology are revolutionizing farming and medicine. Full bio

Talking Biotech: From non-GMO to organic, has food labeling gone too far?

Elanco's Colleen Parr Dekker: Product differentiation and marketing—not transparency and education—are why food companies adopt trendy labels ...
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Talking Biotech: Roundup Ready GMO crops made weed management ‘easy’—an agronomist’s view

Kentucky agronomist Chad Lee: Farmers choose herbicide-tolerant GMO crops because they simplify effective weed management and enable no-till farming ...
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Talking Biotech: Can biofortified GMO soybeans help tackle vitamin A deficiency?

Plant scientist Monica Schmidt: By modifying only one gene, a new variety of soybeans has higher levels of beta-carotene than ...

Talking Biotech: Using plants as ‘biofactories’ for vaccines, biofuels and more

Plant biologist Beth Hood: Scientists are genetically modifying plants to produce ingredients for a variety of important industrial and therapeutic ...
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Talking Biotech: How rice became one of the world’s most important food crops

Rice geneticist Susan McCouch: How and where rice was domesticated, and how many varieties are there? ...

Talking Biotech: The genetic factors that makes sweet corn sweet

Geneticist Curt Hannah: Sweet corn was specifically discovered and selected because of its sweetness. But how does a kernel of ...

Talking Biotech: ‘Farm Babe’ Michelle Miller takes on critics of GMOs, modern farming

Writer Michelle Miller: The 'Food Babe' is critical of those who marginalize farmers and farming, and a powerful voice for ...
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Talking Biotech: Can Oxitec’s genetically engineered insects combat fall armyworm crop damage and famine in Africa?

Oxitec's Simon Warner: Engineered male fall armyworms contain a gene that prevents female offspring from reaching adulthood, reducing wild pest ...

Talking Biotech: Know Ideas Media gives scientists platform to discuss future of food and farming

Canadian filmmaker Nick Saik is taking the 100+ hours of footage he recorded for his Know GMO documentary and turning ...

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