Gene drives in development could alter mosquito DNA to prevent the spread of disease. That raises ethical concerns

Credit: Rick Bowmer via AP
Credit: Rick Bowmer via AP

Gene drive research carries great potential for controlling insect vectors of devastating diseases, but there are multiple unresolved ethical concerns. Unanticipated “downstream” effects on ecosystems, or in organisms that carry the gene drive machinery, are possible.

To help researchers balance risks and benefits for society and humanity, scientists involved in the Controlling and Countering Gene Editing in Mosquitoes research project developed a code of ethics for gene drive research.

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Unlike clinical research, no one individual can consent for the release of gene drive-modified organisms. This requires consultation with the community. “The general public has not really been focused on this research yet,” [lead author George J.] Annas notes.

Scientists must engage the public on decisions as to if, when, and where the genetically modified mosquitoes should be released, how it will be monitored, and whether a mechanism is needed to reverse the experiment in case something unanticipated happens.

Overall, gene drive researchers aim to broadcast a consistent message, tell the truth from the beginning, and be transparent. Regardless, due to the nature of the research, wild rumors and even conspiracy theories are bound to erupt.

This is an excerpt. Read the original post here.

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