Farmers need to understand and communicate with public about gene editing technology

…The next wave of genetic modification is called gene editing, and you will see huge impacts of this technology in crop plants — as well as in animals and human medicine. It is critically important that everyone in agriculture becomes rapidly conversant in this technology, as it already has been a game-changer.

Going forward, this technology could have major impacts in fruits and vegetables. However, if the public does not understand it, and the vocal anti-technology movements are allowed to distort what it is and influence public perception, these revolutionary technologies may be slow to reach the farm and the dinner plate.

. . . .

It is critical that those close to agriculture and related industries understand what this technology can do and communicate it clearly to the public. Participate in online discussions, talk to friends, and actively learn of the good things we can do with this revolutionary technology. If these technologies are delayed because of misunderstanding, we will lose many opportunities to bring improved varieties to the field, and better fruits and vegetables for consumers.

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion and analysis. Read full, original post: Get Ready for Gene Editing

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