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Video: Here’s how quickly the coronavirus could overwhelm US hospitals

Katie Campbell, Lucas Waldron&nbsp|&nbsp
How bad will the coronavirus be for US hospitals? Some experts suggest that 20-60 percent of adults may contract the ...
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Travel restrictions to stop the coronavirus? Here’s why they won’t work.

Haley Feazel-Orr&nbsp|&nbsp
Travel restrictions, though not recommended by the WHO, are a tool that countries use in hopes of stopping the spread of ...
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Viewpoint: We’ll learn a lot from the coronavirus outbreak, but it will be ‘paid for in blood’

Geoffrey Kabat&nbsp|&nbsp
The coronavirus outbreak, now a pandemic spreading at an exponential rate throughout the world, is upending our routines, certainties and ...

We finally have our first smallpox treatment—just in case

Kristen Houser&nbsp|&nbsp
Fear of another smallpox pandemic keep you up at night? You’ll be happy to hear the FDA approved tecovirimat (Tpoxx) on [July 13]. It’s ...

Drug weapons: Computer designed proteins prepare to battle the next pandemic

Ian Haydon&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers are using computer modeling to design new antiviral proteins that could slow down, or stop, global outbreaks of deadly ...
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