
Gene therapy research gets boost from parent-led crowdfunding

It’s a compelling narrative: A parent learns that his or her child has a fatal disease with no cure, and, ...
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What can we learn from bacteria that eat antibiotics for fuel?

Shawna Williams&nbsp|&nbsp
Some bacteria take antibiotic resistance a step further: they chow down on the very compounds designed to kill microbes and ...

How we can make vaccines more effective in newborns

Theo van den Broek&nbsp|&nbsp
The immune system is known for its ability to remember its response to pathogens, leading to more efficient clearance of ...
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The human cost of the anti-GMO movement: Why one scientist is quitting GE crop research

Devang Mehta&nbsp|&nbsp
Constantly confronting people who think my research will harm them is profoundly distressing ...
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