crispr treatment

$3 million barrier to sickle cell gene therapy: How prohibitive costs could limit practical benefits of newly-approved drugs

Center for Genetics and Society&nbsp|&nbsp
In a much-anticipated move, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two new gene therapies for sickle cell disease ...
Viewpoint: Debating the debate over the new stem cell research guidelines

Viewpoint: Debating the debate over the new stem cell research guidelines

Center for Genetics and Society&nbsp|&nbsp
An organization of scientists is recommending that limitations on several experimental and controversial research procedures – including heritable genome editing, ...
Will gene editing human embryos ever be safe?

Will gene editing human embryos ever be safe?

Impact Ethics&nbsp|&nbsp
Debates continue about whether the societal risks of heritable genome editing are too great to proceed, as do calls for ...
100+ countries have outlined legal restrictions on editing human embryos. Here’s a guide

100+ countries have outlined legal restrictions on editing human embryos. Here’s a guide

Discussions and debates about the governance of human germline and heritable genome editing should be informed by a clear and ...

Viewpoint: We don’t need another study to convince us that gene-edited babies are a bad idea

The Hill&nbsp|&nbsp
He [Jiankui] attempted to disable a gene called CCR5 by producing a variant that has been shown to confer resistance ...
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