Reddit takes on Jeremy Seifert’s “GMO OMG” film

GMO OneSheet e
OMG GMO documentary cover (Credit: Grist)

Jeremy Seifert, director of the anti-GMO documentary GMO OMG recently set up a Facebook page and linked it to a conversation he tried to jump start on the web community Reddit.

The web community takes the science of biotechnology discussions seriously and didn’t take well to Seifert’s self-promotion and factually questionable crusade. He was besieged on Reddit and Facebook by questions like:

Why do you deny the scientific consensus on the safety of genetically engineered food?

Why do you use fear tactics such as dressing your kids in biohazard suits in your film?

Why do you promote junk science from idiots such as Seralini?

How can you accuse the biotech industry of producing biased research when your film was bankrolled by Organic and Natural food companies such as Nature’s Path, Amy’s, Horizon, etc.?

The fusillade continued, and within a few hours, Seifert had vanished and taken down his Facebook page in the process, leaving many of these incisive questions unanswered.

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