Ivermectin conundrum: Why are so many doctors and their patients still pushing this ineffective treatment?

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Credit: Getty Images

Contrary to scientific evidence and warnings from health agencies, hundreds of doctors nationwide continue to prescribe ivermectin – encouraged by a little-known national group of physicians – to prevent and treat COVID-19.

During the omicron wave they’ve been busier than ever, writing tens of thousands of prescriptions.

Many of the doctors follow treatment guidelines set by an organization called the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, which promotes the controversial drug along with other unproven therapies.

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Dr. Paul Marik, a pulmonary and critical care specialist who co-founded and now chairs the FLCCC, said… “We developed a protocol for the early treatment of COVID-19,” he said. “Why wait until the patients have severe pulmonary disease? They can’t breathe. They’re dying to be treated. This is stupidity.”

But two years into the pandemic, health experts say science has yielded proven therapies and effective vaccines that prevent hospitalizations and death.

“There’s a group of physicians who will abandon the science in order to satisfy the unscientific demands of patients,” said Dr. Gregory Poland, professor of medicine and infectious diseases and director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group. “It’s disinformation. You’re failing to use proven therapies in favor of disproven therapies, and that’s wrong.”

This is an excerpt. Read the original post here.

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