Hate brussels sprouts but love potato chips? Your genes shape what your taste buds like

Credit: Isabella Carpella/Huff Post
Credit: Isabella Carpella/Huff Post

Scientists have been studying the way genetics influence perception of taste for years, but they are getting closer to understanding the role taste genes play in dietary behaviors.

These genes may help explain why some people never get over their distaste for certain foods, a new study suggests. People with certain gene variants are extra sensitive to bitter and savory flavors.

Study participants who had a high sensitivity to bitter tastes were less likely to eat a lot of whole grains. Those with a finer palate for savory flavors were less likely to eat their vegetables, particularly red and orange ones.

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Interestingly, a high sensitivity to sweet tastes was not linked to a preference for any food group. But these people tended to have lower triglycerides, which can increase with a diet high in carbohydrates.

These correlations do not mean that a person’s genes determine food preferences, researchers emphasized. Dietary behaviors are influenced by many factors, including culture and economics, researcher Julie Gervis, a doctoral candidate at Tufts University, told U.S. News & World Report.

Still, identifying any genetic underpinnings can help scientists better understand why many people struggle to eat foods that they know are good for them, she said. Eventually, dietitians may be able to give more personalized diet counseling.

This is an excerpt. Read the original post here

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