Breeding better cattle? Genetic screening becomes widespread

Credit: D'Arcy Norman via CC-BY-2.0
Credit: D'Arcy Norman via CC-BY-2.0

Traditionally animal breeders would select animals based on their physical characteristics, such as body weight, milk production or size. However, with advancement of genetic techniques, i.e., analysis of animal’s DNA or RNA to identify specific genes or markers that are associated with desirable traits, animal breeders can now select animals based on their genetic makeup.

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The process begins with RNA sequencing of the sperm samples of bulls. The RNA sequencing data are analyzed using different bioinformatics programs either using various online software or using programming in the Linux operating system for gene expression.

These bioinformatics platforms are made by using different mathematical and computational techniques. These programs help to identify the genes differentially expressed for high-fertile and low-fertile bulls or for any other traits of interest. Lastly, we must validate gene expression biomarkers in different samples.

The use of transcriptomics technology to look at bull sperm will likely contribute to finding the biomarkers of bull fertility in the future. These biomarkers will enable us to detect and distinguish between high fertile and not-so-fertile bulls.

This is an excerpt. Read the original post here

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