‘Science moms’ defend Food Evolution movie against Zen Honeycutt’s ‘propaganda’ accusation

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Zen Honeycutt, founder of the anti-GMO group Moms Across America.

[Written by Alison Bernstein, Layla Katiraee, Jenny Splitter, Kavin Senapathy, and Anastasia Bodnar.]

Despite numerous statements that the producers had creative control over [Food Evolution] and that funding came from the Institute of Food Technologists, accusations of “propaganda” continue to come in fast and furious. Zen Honeycutt, founder of Moms Across America, penned the most recent allegation, which sparked our interest as moms who embrace the evidence supporting the safety of genetic engineering.

[Honeycutt claims] that “our families are sick and struggling.” Her angle puts a mother’s intuition above empiricism. “I trust the mothers who are seeing their children get sick after consuming GMOs and related toxins and are courageously sharing their new reality on social media, more than the scientists who are conducting isolated experiments funded by Big Ag.”

We understand this perspective because we’re mothers too. … But we also know that spreading false claims does more harm than good.

We are mothers, and we are also science communicators and scientists. Honeycutt’s claim that the movie “fails to acknowledge the reality of American mothers” ignores the experience of parents like us. We feel that false claims about GMOs and parenting drown out facts and evidence. We’re proud to be part of the upcoming Science Moms documentary (coming fall 2017), which gives a voice to parents who value science and evidence in our decision making for our families.

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The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post: Why the documentary “Food Evolution” speaks to science moms

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