GMO Truthers need to be kicked out of the Progressive movement

The following is an edited excerpt.

I consider myself to be part of the “far left.” I also have multiple scientific degrees and work in the health care field. I strongly believe that my science background has resulted in my Progressive ideology. The reason being is Progressivism is a fact and science based ideology, whereas Conservatism is a faith based ideology. Conservatives offer religious, faith based solutions to social problems.

Why do I bring this up? Because a biologist recently wrote a diary criticizing the far left for being a home for GMO truthers. And, unfortunately, anti-GMO nonsense was recently promoted on the Daily Kos front page.

I would probably say that most progressives don’t know much about GMO at all because this topic – especially the science behind it – is not discussed nearly as much as something like climate change or evolution.  However, the great thing about this issue is that is is very science based.

Read the original excerpt in its entirety here: GMO Truthers need to be kicked out of the Progressive movement


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