Record-high yields suggest climate change no threat to coffee production

Pic by Neil Palmer CIAT A coffee farm worker in Cauca southwestern Colombia
A coffee farm worker in Cauca southwestern Colombia. Image: Neil Palmer CIAT

For roughly the last two years, the media has been warning us that climate change is threatening the world’s supply of coffee beans.

According to the hypothesis, growing conditions for coffee will no longer be suitable in many places, and plagues and pestilences will destroy the crops. If that doesn’t kill off coffee, then the lack of pollinators will.

…. The New York Times bluntly stated “Climate Change Threatens World’s Coffee Supply, Report Says ….” Even Popular Science got in on the action: “Climate change will make your coffee cost more and taste worse.” …. The world has been getting warmer over at least the past few decades, so coffee production should be decreasing, and coffee prices should be going up. Are they?

Coffee Prices Collapse, so Some Farmers Turn to Cocaine

Nope. According to a new report by the Financial Times, prices for coffee beans have hit a 12-year low …. If we look all the way back to …. the 1970’s, we see that the highest coffee prices, just under $3.40 per pound, occurred in April 1977. Today, the coffee price is about 93 cents per pound.

The reason behind the current collapse in prices is because Brazil produced a record crop. Once again, this is the exact opposite of the wide-eyed speculation the media had been cramming down our throats over the past two years.

Read full, original article: Remember When Climate Change Meant The End Of Coffee? Never Mind

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