‘Most foods are GMOs’ and other popular anti-biotech myths debunked

Health Myths

Despite being heavily researched, genetically modified organisms—commonly called GMOs—have many myths and falsehoods surrounding them. Most of these myths are based on consumer fears and certain flawed scientific reports that purport the health risks of GMO foods.

GMOs are actually safe to consume and hold promise to be beneficial for both the environment and the economy. Learn 10 of the most common myths about GMOs.

Myth: There Are No Long-Term Studies on GMOs

The Reality: GMOs are consistently and extensively tested for both consumer and environmental safety. All GMO tests are reviewed by the USDA, the FDA, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as other internal organizations. There are several reviews of studies that report the same evidence as the statements from food safety authorities: there isn’t any evidence that shows GMO crops present adverse effects on human health or the environment.

[Editor’s note: Read the GLP’s FAQs on GMO safety studies here and here.]

Myth: Most Foods Are Now Genetically Modified

The Reality: The truth is that there are only 30 genetically modified crops available to the public. Some of the most commonly modified crops include corn (maize), alfalfa, apples, canola, cotton, papaya, potatoes, soybeans, squash and sugar beets. Even then, many GMOs on the market today aren’t consumed by humans. Field corn, cotton, alfalfa, and soybeans are used more for animal feed than for anything else….

Read full, original article: 10 Common Myths About GMOs

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