Impossible Foods ramps up supply as Burger King plans nationwide GMO plant-based Whopper launch

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Image: Burger King

Plant-based burger maker Impossible Foods on [July 31] announced a partnership with major meat supplier OSI Group, a longtime producer of patties for fast-food chains, as it ramps up to meet demand from consumers and restaurants including Burger King.

Burger King started offering the Impossible Whopper in April in 59 stores in and around St. Louis, and is expected to launch nationally, which would put the plant-based Whopper on the menu in about 7,000 Burger Kings.

The partnership between the vegan burger maker and one of the biggest meat suppliers comes as young, environmentally conscious consumers are feasting on plant-based patties and sausages.

“We got ourselves into a supply-demand imbalance in which we frankly just did not anticipate the level of demand that came from consumers,” ​Sheetal Shah, Impossible Foods’ senior vice president of product and operations, said.

Read full, original article: Impossible Foods signs major meat supplier to make its plant-based burgers

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