Acid bath stem cell method may work for human cells

Image via New Scientist. Credit: Charles Vacanti and Koji Kojima, Harvard Medical School

The scientific world was recently bowled over by a study in Nature showing that an acidic environment turned adult mouse cells into “totipotent” stem cellsMovie Camera – which can turn into any cell in the body or placenta. The researchers called these new totipotent cells stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP) cells.

“If they can do this in human cells, it changes everything,” Rob Lanza of Advanced Cell Technologies in Marlborough, Massachusetts, said at the time.

Now, Vacanti and his colleagues say they have taken human fibroblast cells and tested several environmental stressors on them in an attempt to recreate human STAP cells.

Read the full, original story: Extraordinary stem cell method tested in human tissue

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