Jet lag: Airplane oxygen levels could be key to resetting our biological clock

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A small shift in the oxygen levels in the air could act as a “reset” button for the biological clock, according to a new study in mice…In other words, the dip in oxygen levels seemed to help the animals adjust to the mouse equivalent of jet lag, according to the study….

The research was aimed at developing a better understanding of a body’s circadian rhythm, or biological clock. The clock is found in the brain of all mammals, and it somehow communicates with nearly every cell throughout the body, but scientists have not known how this communication happens.

Because the study was done in cells and animals, it’s not clear if the results also apply to humans.

However, the researchers noted that oxygen levels on airplanes are lower than oxygen levels on the ground. Because some people report airsickness due to these lower levels, the aviation industry is apparently investigating an increase in oxygen levels on planes to 21 percent. Given the findings of the study, however, doing so could have a negative impact on jet lag, the researchers wrote.


The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post: Oxygen Shift May Be Key to Resetting Biological Clock

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