INSE master

Brain science pioneer shifts focus of NIMH to basic neuroscience and genetics

Benedict Carey | New York Times | 
Drain science pioneer Dr. Thomas R. Insel, now director of the National Institute of Mental Health, has sharply shifted the ...
gene master

Genetic screening of embryos thwarts disease and creates ethical questions

Gina Kolata | New York Times | 
Screening embryos for IVF lets parents avoid passing on deadly genetic diseases. But selecting according to gender or disease risk ...

Why we need GM wheat

Henry Miller, Jayson Lusk | New York Times | 
Three crops — corn, soybeans and wheat — account for a vast majority of the value of America’s agricultural crop ...

Using genetic techniques to target just one species of insect

Andrew Pollack | New York Times | 
Scientists and biotechnology companies are developing what could become the next powerful weapon in the war on pests — one ...

FBI review of national database finds errors in DNA profiles

Joseph Goldstein | New York Times | 
The Federal Bureau of Investigation, in a review of a national DNA database, has identified nearly 170 profiles that probably ...
JPCHRO master

Deciphering the mysterious X chromosome

Carl Zimmer | New York Times | 
The X chromosome is part of the system that determines gender. Yet, despite its significance in human life, the X ...

Complications of finding a doctor who supports genetic screening during IVF

Amy Klein | New York Times | 
Genetic screening can reduce the chances of initiating an IVF pregnancy that may end in miscarriage but, as one woman ...

Amy Harmon GMO redux: Targeting female journalists for deviating from ideological expectations

Amy Wallace | New York Times | 
Journalist Amy Wallace explores gender expectations in science communication and overcoming bias in writing about GMOs and other important topics ...

Huge new genomics study searches for roots of genetic disease in 100k people

Andrew Pollack | New York Times | 
Here comes genomics, Take 2. Pharmaceutical companies invested heavily in genetic studies in the frenzy after the sequencing of the ...
zimmer articleLarge

Resurrected 700 year-old water flea eggs show human impacts on evolution

Carl Zimmer | New York Times | 
DNA evidence says some tiny water fleas hatched from eggs at the bottom of a Minnesota lake, are 700 years ...

Mark Bittman weighs in: How many cheers for Cheerios?

Mark Bittman | New York Times | 
Well, a major and venerable American brand has gone and announced that it contains no genetically modified organisms (G.M.O.'s). Cheerios is G.M.O.-free! ...

We’re always losing the war on cancer

George Johnson | New York Times | 
Half a century ago, the story goes, a person was far more likely to die from heart disease. Now cancer ...

Liberals v. Science: As Hawaiians debate GMOs, local legislator committed to science is ostracized

Amy Harmon | New York Times | 
In November, after months of rancorous debate, the County Council on the Big Island voted to ban biotech companies and ...

Food, genes and the feeling of risk

Andrew Revkin | New York Times | 
Riffing off of breaking news about General Mills announcent that it had dumped GMOs from its iconic Cheerios, Andrew Revkin ...
COMPUTE articleLarge

‘Brainlike’ computers, able to learn from own mistakes, could arrive in 2014

John Markoff | New York Times | 
The first commercial version of a new kind of computer chip, which would allow computers to learn from their own ...

When consumer genetic test results don’t agree

Kira Peikoff | New York Times | 
I like to plan ahead; that much I knew about myself before I plunged into exploring my genetic code. I’m ...
bigstock Brain

When it comes to human brain, size isn’t everything

Carl Zimmer | New York Times | 
According to new research, expansion of the brain in our ancestors ripped apart tethered neurons, enabling new circuits to be ...
Biofueljp articleLarge

Seeking alternative to fossil fuels, high-yielding heat and cold resistant biofuel crop potential genetic goldmine

Todd Woody | New York Times | 
Six years ago, jatropha—an inedible, drought-resistant plant that produces a high-quality oil—was “the next big thing in biofuel,” because its oil ...
chestnut tree ohio

Simple genetic modification could restore American chestnut to dominance

Bernd Heinrich | New York Times | 
Scientists have found a simple genetic modification to revitalize the American chestnut, but now the question remains: should they be ...
zimmer span articleLarge

Toe fossil provides glimpse into the racy social lives of Neanderthals

Carl Zimmer | New York Times | 
A single Neanderthal toe bone has provided scientists with the most complete genome to date, offering a new glimpse into ...

Grocery Manufacturer’s Association seeks ‘natural’ label for GMOs

Stephanie Strom | New York Times | 
The trade organization representing the nation’s largest food and beverage companies wants permission to label as “natural” products that contain ...

Whole Foods drops Chobani Greek-style yogurt in anti GMO effort

Stephanie Strom | New York Times | 
Whole Foods says that as of early next year, its stores will no longer stock Chobani, a Greek yogurt brand ...

Baby with three genetic parents: Bioethics of mitochondrial replacement

Karen Weintraub | New York Times | 
Alana is apparently a normal, well-adjusted 13-year-old. But there is something extraordinary about her — every cell in her body ...
SPERM articleLarge

Should the sperm donor industry be regulated?

Rene Almeling | New York Times | 
The sperm industry is not currently regulated in the U.S. and according to a new article, this lack of regulation ...
Old Hands

Can we slow the effects of aging?

Daniel Callahan | New York Times | 
Google's new company, Calico, is attempting to battle the effects of aging and many suspect the company will go one ...

In Israel, push to screen for breast and ovarian cancer genes leaves many conflicted

Roni Caryn Rabin | New York Times | 
Israeli Jews, facing the world's highest incidences of breast and ovarian cancer, but among the lowest rates of mastectomies, are ...

FDA orders 23andMe to stop marketing DNA test kit

Andrew Pollack | New York Times | 
The Food and Drug Administration is demanding that 23andMe immediately cease all marketing for its main DNA service until it ...
zimmer articleLarge

Old age is programmed in human embryos

Carl Zimmer | New York Times | 
Researchers found senescent cells--normally associated with old and damaged tissue--in embryos. Now, they suspect senescence plays a role in differentiating ...
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