
Talking Biotech: Know Ideas Media gives scientists platform to discuss future of food and farming

Kevin Folta, Nick Saik&nbsp|&nbsp
Canadian filmmaker Nick Saik is taking the 100+ hours of footage he recorded for his Know GMO documentary and turning ...
africacan calling african policymakers our economic future must be powered by our farms x

Calestous Juma: Africa needs its own Green Revolution based on science and technology

Calestous Juma&nbsp|&nbsp
Africa can learn from the Green Revolution model—which saved up to one billion people from starvation—by bringing together government, academia, ...

‘Big Ag’ may resonate with activists, but what does it really mean?

Andrew Porterfield&nbsp|&nbsp
For some, GMOs are synonymous with 'Big Ag'? For others, 'Big Ag' means something entirely different. Does 'Big Ag' even ...
Janna with big tractor

Organic farmer’s plea for a better relationship between organic, conventional farming

Janna Anderson&nbsp|&nbsp
An organic farmer speaks out on the similarities between conventional and organic--and the benefits farmers can receive from using both ...

Viewpoint: Anti-GMO online series promotes fear and ‘less sustainable’ farming

Alison Van Eenennaam&nbsp|&nbsp
Works like the recently released "GMOs Revealed" are making it more difficult for new agricultural techniques to gain widespread acceptance ...
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Podcast: How agriculture spurred the domestication of wild cats

Eva-Maria Geigl&nbsp|&nbsp
Geneticist Eva-Maria Geigl: Early grain farms attracted rodents—and wild cats that were social enough to hunt them near human settlements ...

Farms are not like Eden: The case for aggressive human intervention in agriculture

Andrew McGuire&nbsp|&nbsp
Farming is controlling nature for our own purposes. There is no utopian state. We should stop trying to restore, recover, ...
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Is the organic farming yield gap a sustainability gap too? New study argues for cooperation

Andrew Porterfield&nbsp|&nbsp
Organic farming can't match conventional's yields. But if the acrimony could end, farmers now pitted against one another could crossbreed ...
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No-till agriculture offers vast sustainability benefits. So why do many organic farmers reject it?

Nicholas Staropoli&nbsp|&nbsp
Conservation-minded farmers are embracing what is called no-till agriculture, which dramatically improves water retention and cuts down on greenhouse gas ...
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