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Viewpoint: We aren’t even close to being able to engineer superhumans

Jim Kozubek&nbsp|&nbsp
We know there are genes that contribute to intelligence. But the relationship between those genes and our intelligence is so ...
albert einstein

Measuring intelligence and IQ, and the problems that presents

Daphne Martschenko&nbsp|&nbsp
For more than a century, IQ tests have been used to measure IQ. But their use is hotly debated by ...
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Modern people making Stone Age tools offers glimpse into evolution of intelligence

Shelby Putt&nbsp|&nbsp
The brain networks we rely on for complex tasks were likely evolving around 1.8 million years ago--allowing our ancestors to ...

Behold the octopus: Problem solver, tool user and now, gene editor

Ben Locwin&nbsp|&nbsp
The more we learn about octopuses and squids, the more mysterious they become. The ability to edit their own RNA ...
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