1-31-2019 bb denisovan inline

Inside the cave where Neanderthals and Denisovans may have shared a home

Bruce Bower&nbsp|&nbsp
Mysterious ancient hominids known as Denisovans and their evolutionary cousins, Neandertals, frequented a southern Siberian cave starting a surprisingly long ...
1-28-2019 cq dam web

Were humans superior to Neanderthals? Or just luckier?

Clive Finlayson&nbsp|&nbsp
Prof Clive Finlayson, director of the Gibraltar Museum, explains why some old assumptions about the intellectual capabilities of our evolutionary ...
Neanderthal human interbreeding

Human, Neanderthal mating was more than just a ‘one night stand’, study suggests

Dyani Lewis&nbsp|&nbsp
Once upon a time, prehistoric humans and our ancient Neanderthal cousins met and procreated. Except, that ‘once upon a time’ ...

Neanderthals and humans lived equally ‘risky, stressful lives’

Malcolm Ritter&nbsp|&nbsp
Life as a Neanderthal was no picnic, but a new analysis says it was no more dangerous than what our ...
Neanderthal language e

Did Neanderthals have their own language?

Bridget Alex&nbsp|&nbsp
Did Neanderthals have language? Before trying to answer that, I should admit my bias: I’m team Neanderthal. As an anthropologist ...

450,000-year-old teeth help piece together human family tree

Brian Handwerk&nbsp|&nbsp
Crime-drama fans know that forensic scientists can ID the remains of long-missing persons by examining their teeth. To solve even ...
Were Neanderthals wiped out by icy climate change?

Were Neanderthals wiped out by icy climate change?

Jason Daley&nbsp|&nbsp
About 40,000 years ago, Neanderthals began disappearing from Europe, but exactly why they died out is a mystery. … Researchers propose ...
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Advances in genetic research enhancing our understanding of human evolution

David Warmflash&nbsp|&nbsp
New data on early humans are coming in with increasing frequency and this has to do with advances in molecular ...
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