Video: Missouri farmer creatively complies with ‘ridiculous’ requirement to destroy GE petunias

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Blake Hurst, a greenhouse grower in Northwest Missouri and president of the Missouri Farm Bureau, recently received a letter telling him that 200 of his petunias were discovered to have been created through genetic engineering. Because the GE varieties are not approved for selling in the US, the letter said they would have to be destroyed, despite not posing any danger to human or the environment.

[For background on the genetically engineered petunias discovery and reaction, read here and here.]

Hurst approves of genetic engineering and its agricultural uses, but he says “rules are rules,” and set out to dispose of his “illegal” flowers using various methods. Here’s how he did it:

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post: Complying with a Ridiculous Regulation

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