Viewpoint: What is ‘consciousness’ and what role does it play in evolution?

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One of the biggest challenges in evolutionary science is to explain the evolution of consciousness. While that is widely recognized, most evolutionists also take the stand that evolution itself is not, has not been, and cannot be conscious.

Taken together, this leads to an anomaly:

On the one hand, evolutionists recognize the importance of the evolution of consciousness, and on the other hand, most evolutionists deny its importance to the understanding of their own field.

For evolutionary science to play a bigger role in society that takes full advantage of its scientific scope and depth, this anomaly has to end. Evolution can be, has been, and is consciousness.

The culture at large will not attend to evolution in a major way, until it is clear that humanity has the capacity to evolve on purpose, culturally and within a lifetime.

We have evolutionary accounts of consciousness – now we need evolutionists to apply those accounts to their own assumptions, theories, and purposes. Understanding the evolution of consciousness provides the basis for evolutionary science itself to consciously evolve, and to help human individuals and groups do so as well.

Read full, original post: How Humans Create Their Own Evolution

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