Viewpoint: Why suffering is necessary for a meaningful life

Credit: Julia Breckenreid
Credit: Julia Breckenreid

Q: The fundamental thesis of your new book, The Sweet Spot:  The Pleasures of Suffering and the Search for Meaning, is that suffering is necessary for a happy and meaningful life. Why do you think that claim can come as a surprise to some?

Paul Bloom: “Many people, including many psychologist colleagues, think that we are hedonists—that pleasure is all that matters. If this is your perspective, then the importance of suffering can get missed.”

“Now a smart hedonist can concede some role of suffering—maybe suffering now leads to more pleasure later, and the math works out so that choosing the suffering is a smart move for someone who only wants pleasure. But I argue that suffering gives us more than pleasure, and more than happiness; that it is central to goals we have that are entirely separate from those of pleasure and happiness.”

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Q: Has western culture misunderstood happiness to mean comfort and joy? What do you think the source of this misunderstanding is?

Paul Bloom: ”Everyone seems to use the word “happiness” in a different way, and I’m cool with this. I don’t think that someone who equates happiness with pleasure is making a mistake; they simply have their own definition.”

This is an excerpt. Read the original post here

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