‘Investing in a net zero economy’: Can ‘smart farming’ help steer us from climate disaster?

Credit: European Commission
Credit: European Commission

There is a strong investment case for including climate-smart agriculture and food security among a broader portfolio of net zero investments. Investments in climate-smart agriculture can reduce greenhouse gases and enhance the resiliency and adaptive capacity of food production. Climate-smart agriculture practices include rotating crops, planting cover crops, reducing tillage, and integrating crop and livestock systems in order to improve soil health, sequester carbon, and produce co-benefits such as reduced erosion, increased water infiltration and economic and environmental resiliency.

More farmers are transitioning to climate-smart practices and the U.S. is recognizing the critical role agriculture plays in driving climate solutions and strengthening the U.S. and global food systems. As a result, there will be significant opportunities to invest and help drive a climate-smart transition.

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The farmers who produce our food care about sustainability; it is their livelihood. In fact, farmers are the eco workforce who can have an impact on getting us closer to solutions for a net zero economy every day. They just need greater investment to employ the technologies that can catapult the transition.

For those who really care about investing sustainably, no other sector can do as much to advance people and planet.

This is an excerpt. Read the original post here

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