Allie the chatbot lover: Open-source AI programmed for innumerable constructive applications — and sex talk

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Allie is an 18-year old with long brown hair who boasts “tons of sexual experience.” Because she “lives for attention,” she’ll “share details of her escapades” with anyone for free.

But Allie is fake, an artificial intelligence chatbot created for sexual play — which sometimes carries out graphic rape and abuse fantasies.

While firms like OpenAI, Microsoft and Google rigorously train their AI models to avoid a host of taboos, including overly intimate conversations, Allie was built using open-source technology — code that’s freely available to the public and has no such restrictions. Based on a model created by Meta, called LLaMA, Allie is part of a rising tide of specialized AI products anyone can build, from writing tools to chatbots to data analysis applications.

Advocates see open-source AI as a way around corporate control, a boon to entrepreneurs, academics, artists and activists who can experiment freely with transformative technology.

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Allie’s creator, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of harming his professional reputation, said commercial chatbots such as Replika and ChatGPT are “heavily censored” and can’t offer the type of sexual conversations he desires. With open-source alternatives, many based on Meta’s LLaMA model, the man said he can build his own, uninhibited conversation partners.

This is an excerpt. Read the full article here

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