‘Roundup Facing the Judges’: Documentary promotes glyphosate conspiracy theories, pseudoscience

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[Editor’s note: Øystein Heggdal is a Norwegian agronomist. He holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental science and natural resources. He is currently working as a journalist for a Norsk Landbruk, a Norwegian farming magazine.]

In November the state TV network of Norway (NRK) showed the French activist documentary “Roundup Facing The Judges”. This was done only hours after EUs decision to re-authorize the use of glyphosate for another five years in the union. I was invited on the show to debate the documentary, but since they didn’t give me two hours it would take to debunk it, here is a lengthy post for anyone who wants to dive into the muddy waters of European anti-glyphosate activism.

First of all, repeat after me “This was no trial!”.  In April of 2017 anti-GMO activists held a “Monsanto Tribunal” in The Hague.  It was a PR-stunt organized by the very same Marie-Monique Robin, who made the documentary, and the International Foundation for Organic Agriculture, an umbrella organization for various organic associations around the world.

This Tribunal had nothing to do with The International Court of Justice in The Hague, it has nothing to do with international law and international agreements. This was acting, staged drama and showmanship.

The fact is that 3300 peer-reviewed studies and every regulatory bodies in every country on the planet have concluded that glyphosate is one of the least impactful herbicides for human and animal health, or the environment. Of course, none of this was submitted to the Monsanto “Tribunal”.

Read full, original post: 10 Conspiracy Theories About RoundUp in a Single Documentary

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