Israeli biotech startup plans to produce lab-grown chicken meat

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An Israeli biotech startup called SuperMeat is on a quest to revolutionize the meat industry by developing machines . . . “to organically grow chicken meat using cutting-edge regenerative technologies.”

 . . . .Developed with the help of an acclaimed biomedical engineer named Yaakov Nahmias, the company offers a simplified explanation of how exactly its chicken-making process works: Basically, cells taken from a live chicken . . . With the help of a “nutrient soup” and “specially designed bioreactors,” the cells then grow and duplicate into a full piece of animal meat that exactly mimics the taste and texture of real meat — “because it is real meat,” the startup explains.

SuperMeat claims its product’s advantages . . . are many: Besides not having to kill animals, it will also be cheaper to produce. . ., providing a more affordable source of protein that people can make in their own homes. Further, the company claims . . . the lab-growing process is more hygienic and resistant to bacteria; it can also make a product that’s lower in fat.

The company . . . plans to produce a prototype product by 2018 and fully launch by 2021.

Read full, original post: Is Lab-Grown Chicken Coming Soon to a Plate Near You?

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