
23andMe moves to mend fences with FDA, seeks Bloom syndrome test approval

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
Seven months after the FDA forced 23andMe to stop reporting health results to its customers, the personal genomics company is ...
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Alzheimer’s: Epigenetics and the APOE gene offer new reasons for hope

Tabitha M. Powledge&nbsp|&nbsp
The genetics of Alzheimer's disease is complicated and still somewhat mysterious. But in the last week, researchers reported on two ...
HeartFeet final Kim Goodsell by Ana Frois

Genetic empowerment: Extreme athlete probes own genetics to streamline diagnosis

Ed Yong&nbsp|&nbsp
When extreme athlete Kim Goodsell discovered that she had two extremely rare but ostensibly unrelated genetic diseases, she taught herself ...

How much can we actually tell from a genome scan?

Theodora Ross&nbsp|&nbsp
On August 6, researchers announced in The New England Journal of Medicine that they had found that mutations in a ...

Should Myriad make breast cancer data available for clinical research?

Karen Iris Tucker&nbsp|&nbsp
Myriad Genetics may have lost its singular hold on the market for BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing in May 2013 when ...

New therapy advances lung cancer treatment, personalized medicine

Kevin Leonardi&nbsp|&nbsp
Small RNA molecules, including microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), offer tremendous potential as new therapeutic agents to inhibit ...

Blood-forming stem cells produced in laboratory for potential use in cancer treatment

John Ross&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, have discovered how the body produces blood-forming stem cells which exist in bone marrow ...
Epigenetics Revolution

Is epigenetics being exploited by the media?

Kenrick Vezina&nbsp|&nbsp
Epigenetics has seen a flurry of research and headlines lately, achieving science-buzzword status. But is the immature nature of the ...
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Africa on GMOs: Scientific response to anti-technology NGOs

Abdulrazak Ibrahim&nbsp|&nbsp
More than half of the acreage of genetically modified crops in the world is in the developing world, where the ...
baby vaccinations

What’s the difference between denying the scientific consensus on vaccines vs GMOs?

Keith Kloor&nbsp|&nbsp
The science on GMOs is as solid and authoritative as it is on vaccines. So why are liberal outlets like ...
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How ancient humans can help us better understand ourselves

Sarah King&nbsp|&nbsp
For 200,000 years, modern humans have walked the earth. How did we become what we are today? In answering this ...

CRISPR technology successfully targets HPV

Researchers have hijacked a defense system normally used by bacteria to fend off viral infections and redirected it against the ...

Can stem cells aid in brain recovery after stroke?

Sam Wong&nbsp|&nbsp
Five patients received the treatment in a pilot study conducted by doctors at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and scientists at Imperial ...

Harvard stem cell scientist takes sabbatical following fraud scandal

Charles Vacanti, a Harvard anesthesiologist and stem cell pioneer whose name appeared on both retracted STAP stem cell papers, is ...

3D “jelly doughnut” models brain, may prove vital to future research

Pam Belluck&nbsp|&nbsp
A doughnut created in a lab and made of silk on the outside and collagen gel where the jelly ought ...

CRISPR corrects mutant gene for incurable blood disorder

Kerry Grens&nbsp|&nbsp
The genome-editing method involving CRISPR and Cas9 has been called into duty for a wide variety of jobs, from cutting integrated HIV ...
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Video: Appetite control and emotion arise from similar brain areas

James Gorman&nbsp|&nbsp
Relatively few neurons, only thousands, control appetite in a brain region linked to inhibition, fear and emotion according to a ...

Brain breakthrough: Genome-wide association studies herald advances in treating mental disorders

Kavin Senapathy&nbsp|&nbsp
Nothing is more challenging to science, or potentially more heartbreaking, than mental illness. The human brain remains inscrutable. But recent ...

Your brain is making subliminal, near-instantaneous judgements of people based on their faces

Kenrick Vezina&nbsp|&nbsp
Your brain is making a snap judgement on the trustworthiness of each stranger you see based on their faces -- ...

Amid focus on curing illness, concern over treatment of disabled in society

Ian Birrell&nbsp|&nbsp
I can still remember each second of that day just before Christmas when everything changed.The happy family lunch, then the ...

New technologies advance fight against infectious disease

Aaron Krol&nbsp|&nbsp
Twenty years ago, at the Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) in Rockville, Maryland, Claire Fraser became one of the first ...

Quest for answers on aging and longevity

Frailty is a common condition associated with old age, characterized by weight loss, weakness, decreased activity level and reduced mobility, ...

GMOs + tobacco = life saving vaccines

Erin Digitale&nbsp|&nbsp
Plants could act as safe, speedy factories for personalized treatments against a common form of cancer, according to recent findings ...

Taking ancestry into account with personalized medicine

Kenrick Vezina&nbsp|&nbsp
A study of Mexican genetics reveals staggering diversity. In an increasingly globalized world, with human populations mixing at unprecedented rates, ...

‘Quack’ American Academy of Environmental Science issues false statements about GMO safety

Eric Lindborg&nbsp|&nbsp
I write in response to Donna Worden’s letter of July 12. I was surprised by the citing of the American Academy ...

How nanotechnology is revolutionizing medicine

Guizhi Zhu&nbsp|&nbsp
In a 1959 lecture at Caltech famously dubbed “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” American physicist and Nobel laureate–to-be ...

Are bacterial disease epidemics triggered by environmental changes?

Researchers have traced genetic changes in a bacterial pathogen over 450 years, and claim that epidemics of bacterial disease in ...
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