Genetics make some people more vulnerable to repetitive brain injury

Eric Niiler | 
Scientists studying head injuries have found something surprising: Genes may make some people more susceptible to concussion and trauma than ...

Ancient, inert parts of our genomes may be protective

Carolyn Johnson | 
At hundreds of spots in our DNA, there are ancient swaths that have remained puzzlingly unchanged over hundreds of millions ...
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Mass General pediatrics chief says glyphosate, used with some GM crops, no danger in breast milk

Ronald Kleiman | 
Contributor Dr. Ron Kleinman, physician in chief from MassGeneral Hospital for Children, opines on the safety of Glyphosate in human ...

Genetically modified pig lungs or lab-grown lungs: Which is the future of our organ supply?

Kenrick Vezina | 
Biotech pioneer J. Craig Venter has aligned his company with efforts to create genetically modified lungs in pigs for human ...
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Procrastination? Impulsivity? Either way, is it in your genes?

Tabitha M. Powledge | 
Classic twin-study method used to try and explain procrastination and it's heritability. But what is procrastination? Is it impulsivity? Either ...

Plant geneticist Paul Gepts says polarized GM discussion endangers innovation

Paul Gepts | 
Whether you call them transgenic, genetically engineered or GMO crops, the fever-pitched debate about Monsanto misses the bigger picture by ...

Teeth of the very old may provide more easily accessible stem cells than blood

Ricki Lewis | 
Normally, I wouldn’t post about a report that’s already reverberated through the blogosphere, but the finding of hundreds of mutations ...

New job for IBM’s Watson: analyze cancer genetics to match patients with best available drugs

Randy Rieland | 
For years, the war on cancer has been about attacking specific body parts—developing treatment and funding research around lung cancer, ...

CRISPR gene editing commercialization divides former colleagues

Steve Connor | 
The money men have moved in on a new technique for editing the human genome that promises to revolutionise the ...

Five reasons why you sound crazy when denouncing GMOs

Sincere Kirabo | 
(1) Words and linguistic distinction matters. There is a tendency to either ignore, mutilate or warp the meaning of terms like ...

Mother’s diet during conception may lead to epigenetic consequences and disease

Kenrick Vezina | 
A study following mothers in rural Gambia, where the rainy and dry season make for major seasonal changes in diet ...
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GINA’s sixth birthday: Does legislation protecting our genetic information mean anything?

Meredith Knight | 
The Genetic Nondiscrimination Act nominally protects against nefarious use of genetic information by employers and health insurance companies, but it ...
Agarose gel with UV illumination Ethidium bromide stained DNA glows orange close up

Privacy for our electronic genomes: Who’s responsible? What’s at stake?

Meredith Knight | 
The level of security and anonymity provided to genetic information depends on the research project, direct to consumer company or ...

Pre-conception diet affects child’s DNA

Charles Choi | 
A woman's diet at the time of conception might cause lasting changes in the DNA of her children, potentially influencing ...
Citizens for Health lobbies for suspect alternative meds, supplements (and free love?)

Citizens for Health lobbies for suspect alternative meds, supplements (and free love?)

Do you believe in magic? Most scientists now believe that most supplements, mega-vitamins and homeopathy therapies are junk science or ...

‘Electronic genomes’ vulnerable to attack

Meredith Knight | 
In a digital world, even our most sensitive information is vulnerable to hacking. In the case of DNA, people can ...
Citizens for Health lobbies for suspect alternative meds, supplements (free love?)

Citizens for Health lobbies for suspect alternative meds, supplements (free love?)

Jon Entine | 
Do you believe in magic? Most scientists now believe that most supplements, mega-vitamins and homeopathy therapies are junk science or ...

Gene threapy postdoc guilty of misconduct, has six papers retracted

Bob Grant | 
A former postdoc who studied gene therapy at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York is guilty of ...

Influence of genes on body mass grows with age in kids

The influence of genetic factors on differences between children's Body Mass Index (BMI) increases from 43% at age 4 to ...

What are the differences in genetically engineering crops and drugs?

Richard Green | 
When you google GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) the results that come up speak to GM crops, but GMOs are more ...

Will European opposition to GM foods slow biomedical advances?

XiaoZhi Lim | 
Genetically modified bacteria might be able to relieve celiac sufferers from inflammatory symptoms but researchers worry that tight restrictions promoted ...

Not the end of men: Set of Y chromosome conserved through evolution

Rina Shaikh-Lesko | 
A core set of genes on the Y chromosome has been retained through much of animal evolution, not just for ...

Gene therapy can restore hearing to deaf poeple

Helen Thomson | 
In two months' time, a group of profoundly deaf people could be able to hear again, thanks to the world's ...

Impacts of genetic analysis and patient advocacy for extremely rare diseases

Marshall L. Summar, MD, Chief of the Division of Genetics and Metabolism at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, DC, ...

Old blood, new science: 115-year-old woman’s blood suggests lifespan depends on stem cells

Kenrick Vezina | 
The blood of one of the oldest women to have lived -- and quite possibly the oldest to ever donate ...
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Surrogacy without infertility: Is career reason enough?

Meredith Knight | 
Although still rare, rich women are choosing to use surrogates during pregnancy for social reasons without medical necessity ...

RNAi gene silencing comes back to life

Erika Check Hayden | 
After a rocky start, RNA interference (RNAi), a gene-silencing technique that won the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, ...
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