brain zimmer

Mutations in the brain

Carl Zimmer | 
Not all genetic mutations are harmful. New research shows that mutations within neurons may be incredibly common, and even sometimes ...

Genetic clues in mammals could unlock secret to anti-aging

Carolyn Johnson | 
For years, scientists have studied how to combat old age. Now, new research suggests that genetic clues in mammals with ...

Are we headed for universal genome screening at birth?

Tabitha M. Powledge | 
Nearly all of the 4 million babies born every year in the United States undergo newborn screening for genetic disease ...
Slate year

Who deserves the Nobel for sequencing the human genome?

Laura Helmuth | 
There's a political angle to having the 10th anniversary celebration for the human genome in 2013: it implies the NIH ...
dna repair

Scientists invent new technique for DNA repair

Researchers from the Berkeley Lab have invented a new technique for detecting and repairing errors in the genetic code, which ...
genetic mutation

Gene-silencing could suppress genetic defect that causes Down syndrome

A team of researchers has demonstrated that the genetic defect that causes Down syndrome could be suppressed using the gene-silencing ...

Is HIV the hero that’ll help gene therapy rise above the hype?

We're seeing some successes in gene therapy, but cost remains an issue. Could a modified version of HIV save the ...

Project Einstein: Are there genes for mathematical genius?

Erika Hayden | 
An entrepreneur in gene-sequencing wants to find out what genes are linked to mathematical ability ...
Nature Getty

Genome hacker builds largest-ever family tree

Heidi Ledford | 
To help scientists investigate inheritance, so-called genome hacker Yaniv Erlich has built family tree with over 13 million people, using ...
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Biotech could improve sugarcane farming in India and beyond

According to the director of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, scientists and sugarcane farmers should use the tools of ...

How personal genomics is like Michelangelo’s David

David Dobbs | 
Personal genomics is awash in stories of genetic discoveries that turned out to be weak or wrong, yet the field ...

Genetic modification may help tobacco find new life as health savior and biofuels source

Jeremy Summers | 
For decades, tobacco has been maligned as a source of diseases. But in recent years, scientists using genetic modification have ...

Scientists find genetic basis for slow metabolism, obesity

Steve Connor | 
For the first time, scientists have identified a genetic mutation associated with two major contributors to obesity: increased appetite and ...

How to create alien life? Use human DNA, of course

Carl Zimmer | 
Five decades after cracking the genetic code, scientists have discovered how to re-code DNA cells and build new proteins. The ...
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Will the public still fear GMOs in 100 years?

Kevin Bonham | 
Innovations like aviation and vaccines have been huge contributions to modern society, despite initial public opposition. The same could be ...

Promise and peril of synthetic biology

Laurie Garret | 
Work in the field of synthetic biology creates a dual use ethical dilemma--the techniques that help us learn to cure ...
herpes CROP promovar mediumlarge

Study uses herpes virus to track human migration across the globe

Joshua Keating | 
The genomic analysis of different strains of the herpes virus reveals migration patterns of early humans ...
livescience panda

Giant pandas’ genetic diversity helps them adapt to environmental change

Laura Poppick | 
Despite the dwindling number of giant pandas, researchers think the species has more genetic diversity than some other endangered animals ...
eBay genome auction

Gene testing revolution: Disease prediction results skyrocket for whole genome and whole exome sequencing

Katherine Wendelsdorf | 
New research suggests that focusing on the protein-coding region of our DNA that makes up about 1.5 percent of each ...
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Using genetics to save the world’s coral reefs from climate change

David Biello | 
Similar to how agriculturalists have helped crops adapt to the changing climate, two marine ecologists are working to save the ...
baby slate thinkstock

Project BabySeq to test how knowing your genome from birth changes your life

Carl Zimmer | 
Brigham and Women’s Hospital's Robert Green wants to know how having your complete genome sequenced at birth changes the course ...
Day West Midlands Police Facewatch App

New app allows users to access their genetic info from smartphone

A new smartphone app, developed by researchers at Tel Aviv University, will allow individuals who’ve had their genome sequenced to ...
Robert Neubecker slate

How do traits trickle down from grandparents to grandchildren? Partially by chance.

Razib Khan | 
Personal genome sequencing allows us to take a closer look at inheritance and highlights the situations in which genetic and ...
BonD Shutterstock

Does finding cancer mutations lead to cures?

Jessica Wapner | 
We don't have drugs to treat most cancer mutations. So how does hunting for mutations help? ...

Being a good Samaritan could be influenced by genetics

Patrick J. Kiger | 
Everyone knows the biblical parable of the good Samaritan. A new study suggests that a single variation in a specific ...

Craig Venter working on device that could send DNA over the internet

Zoe Corbyn | 
Craig Venter, who created the world’s first synthetic life, is working on a “DNA box” that could transport genetic sequences ...
Telgraph Alamy

There’s much more to IQ than biology and DNA

Steve Jones | 
Genetics doesn't matter more than teaching. Nature doesn't matter more than nurture does. They both contribute to intelligence ...
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