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During the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, epidemiology ha assumed an outsized role in the public consciousness. It was pervasive in the news, as scientists struggled to elucidate both how the virus was being transmitted as well as its likely short- and long-term health effects.

A team of researchers has successfully generated a genome of the Chinese Emperor Wu (Wudi) of the Xianbei-led Northern Zhou dynasty.

Video: Women who freeze their eggs are being misled by some UK clinics about their chances of having a baby.

| | April 26, 2024

First, a word of warning. If you donate money to Greenpeace, you might think you’re helping save the whales or the rainforests. But in reality, you may be complicit in a crime against humanity. [Recently] Greenpeace Southeast Asia and several other NGOs managed to stop the cultivation and use of vitamin A-enhanced rice in the … Read more

Peer reviewed research and Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF) surveys among consumers and registered dietitians all show the negative impact of misinformation about pesticide residues on produce consumption among consumers. And, last week, a new national survey was released by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) where 60% of respondents stated that they did not consume certain foods due to concerns about residues. For the people who say they have avoided food because of pesticide concerns, 71% report that they avoided vegetables and 59% avoided fruits, according to IFIC’s survey.

Sri Lanka is a particularly dramatic case showing how rash and poorly designed policies can lead to tragic consequences. In mid-2021, the government abruptly banned the import of chemical fertilizers. On an agri-environmental policy scorecard, this might have looked good. Fertilizer use — which can cause pollution — plummeted.

Over and over, the term ‘organic’ is used as an umbrella for a variety of qualitative features in food. There is an assumption that all organic products are healthier and safer than conventionally produced food, especially when considering the practices used. However, as exhibited nearly a decade ago, organic foods are not pesticide-free, much to the chagrin of consumers who perhaps purchase organic for exactly that reason. This seems counterintuitive for an industry that can broadly classify its products as “low-input.” Therefore, to be as informed about food options as possible, it is important to first understand the real restrictions of organic production.

The scientific community is launching a renewed attack on the controversial law of the German Embryo Protection Act.

| | April 25, 2024

With the changing legal landscape, privacy experts point out that data could be used to criminalize people seeking abortions.

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