Viagra could cut risk of Alzheimer’s disease by as much as 70%

Viagra could cut risk of Alzheimer’s disease by as much as 70%

Peter Dockrill | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Usage of the medication sildenafil – better known to most as the brand-name drug Viagra – is associated with dramatically ...
98.6°F: American body temperatures have been dropping for 200 years. Why?

98.6°F: American body temperatures have been dropping for 200 years. Why?

Carly Cassella | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Early last year, researchers in the United States combed Civil War veteran records and national health surveys and found temperatures ...
Theory of mind debate: At what age do children fully comprehend how others see the world?

Theory of mind debate: At what age do children fully comprehend how others see the world?

Carly Cassella | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
For decades now, psychologists have largely agreed that a human child acquires a ‘theory of mind’ during preschool. Experiments indicate ...
There are 7,000 spoken languages — and almost all share certain structural elements. Could that be driven by genetics?

There are 7,000 spoken languages — and almost all share certain structural elements. Could that be driven by genetics?

David Nield | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
There are around 7,000 human languages that we know of worldwide, and while they're all unique, they're also more similar ...
How a blobby, brainless, bright yellow slime mold is redefining our understanding of human cognition

How a blobby, brainless, bright yellow slime mold is redefining our understanding of human cognition

Michelle Starr | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
This slime mold species has thrived, more or less unchanged, for a billion years in its damp, decaying habitats. And, ...
How tall will your children be? Here are the nature versus nurture factors

How tall will your children be? Here are the nature versus nurture factors

Eva Hamrud | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
We often consider our height as being unchangeable, determined by our genetic make-up from when we were conceived. After all, ...
Is Emotional Intelligence a real and measurable quality?

Is Emotional Intelligence a real and measurable quality?

Eva Hamrud | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Emotional intelligence, the ability to regulate and perceive emotions, is the subject of much debate amongst scientists and the public ...
Dunbar’s number: Is the human brain’s capacity for friends really limited to 150?

Dunbar’s number: Is the human brain’s capacity for friends really limited to 150?

Peter Dockrill | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
It's called Dunbar's number: an influential and oft-repeated theory suggesting the average person can only maintain about 150 stable social ...
Video: What the lungs of newborns look like when they take their first breaths

Video: What the lungs of newborns look like when they take their first breaths

Mike McRae | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
[U]sing a delicate sensor-belt wrapped around the chests of full-term newborns moments after their delivery, a team of researchers from ...
Video: Developing embryos show an immune response

Video: Developing embryos show an immune response

Carly Cassella | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Incredible new research has shown that long before the development of organs or specialized immune cells, this simple protective layer, ...
Are we headed toward developing a super-intelligent AI...that could spin out of control?

Are we headed toward developing a super-intelligent AI…that could spin out of control?

David Nield | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
The idea of artificial intelligence overthrowing humankind has been talked about for many decades, and scientists have just delivered their ...
Could Alzheimer’s actually be three different diseases?

Could Alzheimer’s actually be three different diseases?

Carly Cassella | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Postmortem, RNA sequencing has revealed three major molecular subtypes of [Alzheimer’s] disease, each of which presents differently in the brain ...
People with certain DNA sequences are much likelier to get severe COVID. Is that you?

People with certain DNA sequences are much likelier to get severe COVID. Is that you?

Michelle Starr | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
A new study of thousands of COVID-19 patients has revealed eight genetic sequences that are more common in people who ...
Does being born first help in life? Yes, but just a little bit

Does being born first help in life? Yes, but just a little bit

David Nield | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
An analysis of a longitudinal study that tracked 3,763 Americans across 50 years found no evidence that birth order is linked to the ...
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New tool allows researchers to map complexity and intensity of dreams

Carly Cassella | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Before the twenty-first century, we used to think dreams only occurred during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, but more recent ...
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Gynandromorph: Spectacular bird found with male plumage on one side and female on the other

Carly Cassella | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Split down the middle, with one side flaunting yellow 'wing pits', and the other side rocking a pink underwing, researchers ...
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Have humans hit an evolutionary wall? Top scientists offer their views

Eva Hamrud | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Our Stone Age ancestors who were faster runners avoided being trampled by mammoths and were more likely to have children ...

Freud was right – dreams are a distorted continuation of reality

Peter Dockrill | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Whereas ancient civilisations may have interpreted dreams as having supernatural or spiritual origins, in modern society, we're more likely to ...

Russia birthplace of 500-year Black Death plague, genetic analysis suggests

Peter Dockrill | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
The Black Death was only the beginning. Countless millions perished in this terrible early wave – an estimated 60 percent of Europe ...

Just one head injury could ‘tangle’ proteins in the brain, leading to Alzheimer’s

Mike McRae | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
A single serious knock to the skull could be all it takes to develop the nerve damage thought to be ...

New cancer-fighting strategy: Coaxing breast cancer cells to turn into harmless fat cells

Jacinta Bowler | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers have been able to coax human breast cancer cells to turn into fat cells in a new proof-of-concept study ...
unprotected sex

Attracted to men and women? Our sexual orientation can undergo ‘extensive’ changes as we age, and more so in women, study says

Carly Cassella | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
The vocabulary we currently use to describe sexual orientation is hopelessly inadequate, with labels like 'gay', 'straight' and 'bi' falling ...
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Three’s company? BrainNet successfully connects trio’s brains and thoughts

David Nield | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Neuroscientists have successfully hooked up a three-way brain connection to allow three people to share their thoughts – and in ...
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DNA analysis shows ‘everyone had been wrong’ about mysterious Siberian unicorn

Michelle Starr | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
It didn't look much like the dainty unicorns of myth and legend, but the extinct unicorn of Siberia is even ...
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Newly discovered ‘micro-organ’ could lead to innovative vaccines

David Nield | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers have identified a brand new 'micro-organ' inside the immune system of mice and humans – the first discovery of ...

7 ways CRISPR gene editing is changing the world

Mike McRae | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Here are a few ways researchers are already using [CRISPR] to make the world a better place; 1. Produce transplant ...

Strange case of the man with a ‘large black hole’ in part of his brain

Michelle Starr | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
When an 84-year-old man in Ireland showed up at the doctor with complaints about being unsteady, the team found a ...
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Some cases of autism may have epigenetic origins

Peter Dockrill | Science Alert&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists have discovered a swathe of biochemical regions that look to be deeply involved with the risk factors behind autism spectrum ...
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