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This robotic face will wince if you hit it. How does it process pain?

Laura Sanders&nbsp|&nbsp
Sensors embedded in soft, artificial skin that can detect both a gentle touch and a painful thump have been hooked ...
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Viewpoint: Chronic pain sufferers are needlessly ‘stigmatized’ and how we can change that

Daniel Goldberg&nbsp|&nbsp
Millions of people who live with chronic pain experience intense stigma. I view stigma as the combination of difference plus ...

If pain is subjective, how do we measure it in a meaningful way?

Jeremy Delahanty&nbsp|&nbsp
You can’t exactly ask a rat to point to where it hurts ...

Overreaction? Newly proposed definition of pain could withhold opioids from those who need them most

Dawn Downton&nbsp|&nbsp
A new definition of pain is out for comment from the International Association for the Study of Pain, an influential ...

How CRISPR could help eradicate chronic pain

Antonio Regalado&nbsp|&nbsp
The street performer was only 10 years old. He put knives through his arms and walked on hot embers. By ...
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Have scientists discovered a new pain-processing organ under our skin?

Ed Cara&nbsp|&nbsp
It’s not common that researchers discover what could be an entirely new part of the human body. But a team ...
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Do men and women feel pain differently? The answer could lead to better treatments for chronic pain

Kimberly Yavorski&nbsp|&nbsp
According to the CDC, one fifth of American adults live with chronic pain, and women are affected more than men ...
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An Italian family’s curious insensitivity to pain

Matthew Shaer&nbsp|&nbsp
Shortly after her sixth birthday, while climbing a pole in a neighbor’s yard in the Tuscan city of Siena, [scientist ...
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Do men and women feel pain differently?

Amber Dance&nbsp|&nbsp
Pain researchers are opening their eyes to the spectrum of responses across sexes. Results are starting to trickle out, and ...
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This woman feels almost no pain. Could her genes lead to new treatment for chronic sufferers?

Jacquelyn Corley&nbsp|&nbsp
Doctors in Scotland were amazed when a 66-year-old woman underwent what is normally a very painful operation on her hand ...

Ouch! Why is pain so much worse for some of us?

Erin Young&nbsp|&nbsp
Exploring how pain differs from person to person ...
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Men are less tolerant than women when it comes to repeated pain, study shows

Diana Kwon&nbsp|&nbsp
A painful experience is not one you are likely to forget—you don’t need to have a trunk slammed onto your ...

Understanding what happens when routine touching becomes agony

Ruth Williams&nbsp|&nbsp
It shouldn’t hurt to put on socks, wash hands, or walk about, but for some people with damaged nerves, certain ...

Fibromyalgia is a disease that eludes diagnosis: Can artificial intelligence change that?

Olivia Goldhill&nbsp|&nbsp
There’s no tissue damage that explains the pain fibromyalgia patients experience all over their body, and contemporary medicine struggles to ...
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Waaa! How do babies experience pain?

Laura Jones&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers continue to look for ways to assess the pain experienced by babies. One recent study suggests that babies are ...
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Humans who can’t feel pain pointing way to non-addictive painkillers

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
Genes linked to pain detection and perception may be physiological targets for new, non-addictive painkillers ...
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