Environmental Working Group must turn to sound science to address public fear created by ‘dirty dozen’ list

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There are now two peer-reviewed studies from respected academic institutions (Johns Hopkins and Illinois Institute of Technology) with similar conclusions about how negative and confusing safety messaging may be impacting consumers and potentially discouraging consumption of fruits and veggies. Among the biggest culprits of advancing inaccurate, negative safety messaging – the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

For over two decades, through the annual release of its “dirty dozen” list, EWG has promoted the inaccurate concept that safe, healthy and popular produce items are “dirty” and “contaminated with pesticides.”  But, in addition to this “list” being shown to possibly discourage produce consumption, it has been repeatedly discredited by the scientific community.  In fact, a peer-reviewed analysis published in the Journal of Toxicology, found that EWG follows no established scientific procedures in developing their “list,” and EWG’s suggested substitution of organic forms of produce for conventional forms results in no decrease in risk for consumers because residue levels, if present at all, are so very low.

After 20-plus years, it is clearly time for EWG to rethink releasing its “dirty dozen” list until it can stand up to scientific scrutiny, is peer-reviewed and published in a respected toxicology journal.

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post: EWG Must Address Lack of Science, Role In Creating Safety Fears

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