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Debating sustainable agriculture: Weed management and crop biotechnology

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Any discussion of crop chemicals must consider the broad sweep of agricultural history, the pivotal moments of technological innovation, and ...
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Are we facing an ‘Insect Apocalypse’ caused by ‘intensive, industrial’ farming and agricultural chemicals? The media say yes; Science says ‘no’

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The media call it the “Insect Apocalypse”. In the past few years, the phrase has become an accepted truth of ...
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Video viewpoint: Humans as frogs? Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. claims that unsubstantiated but perceived rise in male sexual dysphoria is driven by atrazine in our water supply

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Conspiracy nut Robert Kennedy, Jr. is desperately trying to convince the American voting populace that he is indeed a serious ...
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Viewpoint: Whitewash — How four obstructionist journals and their academic enablers are corrupting reporting on the science of chemicals and crop biotechnology

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
In 2022 and 2023, two papers analyzing the intersection of genetic engineering and disinformation were published. Neither were in very ...
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Viewpoint: The ‘culture wars’ infection of anthropology and archaeology grows

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
In 1941, at the height of World War 2, troops stationed on Hoy in the remote Scottish Orkney Islands made ...
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Are pesticide residues on food something to worry about?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Just like anything that goes into your body, it’s the dose (the amount) that matters ...
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Analysis: Do neonicotinoid and glyphosate pesticides threaten bees? A reassessment

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
"The honeybee is in no way endangered. If there’s a top ten list of what’s killing honey bee colonies, I’d ...
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Disaster interrupted: Which farming system better preserves insect populations: Organic or conventional?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
A three-year run of fragmentary Armageddon-like studies had primed the journalism pumps and settled the media framing about the future ...
Why it’s so critical to move beyond liberal rejectionism of human biodiversity

Why it’s so critical to move beyond liberal rejectionism of human biodiversity

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The way in which evolutionary explanations can be so readily applied to apparent differences in human psychology does highlight the ...

Anti-chemical activists up in arms as European Union leans toward reauthorizing use of weedkiller glyphosate. Here’s the science EU should consider

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Does the controversial weedkiller Roundup, made by Bayer and marketed in generic form by more than 30 companies as glyphosate, ...
Confronting the elephant in the human biodiversity room — the explosive issue of IQ

Confronting the elephant in the human biodiversity room — the explosive issue of IQ

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Here’s a thought experiment. Imagine two widely separated human groups living for thousands of years in different cultural and ecological ...
Honeybee (l) vs Bumble bee

Protecting honeybees and wild bees from neonicotinoid pesticides? As environmentalists and politicians lobby for bans, science takes a backseat

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
There has been a recent surge in the number and intensity of campaigns by environmental groups lobbying to ban many ...
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Web of Disinformation: How environmentalists conspire with tort lawyers, RFK, Jr. and the Church of Scientology to deceive the public, manipulate the media and fill their coffers

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Is aspartame, used in thousands of products, from Diet Coke to Trident Gum to Log Cabin Sugar-Free Syrup, potentially cancer-causing? ...
group of dead adult mosquitoes scattered uniformly throught the field of view during a vector control study

Unleashing the swarm: Battling the global mosquito menace and defending public health

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The Greek Ministry of Health has issued a stark warning: rapidly multiplying, stealthily infiltrating and carrying a deadly payload of ...
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Ramazzini — The backstory of the ‘independent’ Italian organization that partners with IARC, the multi-billion dollar ‘toxic predatort’ industry, and anti-chemical environmental groups

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
In recent years, the Bologna-based Ramazzini Institute has found the following substance or situations "linked to" or "associated with" with ...
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Viewpoint: Is the predicted ‘Silent Earth insect armageddon’ the inevitable result of using farm chemicals — or is it alarmist activist propaganda? Insect scientists challenge the doomsayers

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
For years, journalists and environmental bloggers have been churning out story after story claiming that insects are vanishing, in the ...
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Beepocalypse Myth Handbook: Assessing claims of pollinator collapse

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
After a decade of debate, the causes of the mid-2000s spike in bee deaths is coming into focus. Culprits are ...
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Podcast: ‘Disinformation feedback loop’ — GLP’s Jon Entine and geneticist Kevin Folta expose web of anti-biotech groups — and their anti-vaxx, cult-promoting funding sources

The Genetic Literacy Project is a popular and respected science organization that promotes innovation and research using the cutting-edge tools ...
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Carbon tax on farming to reduce carbon emissions? New Zealand is pioneering this new policy. Here’s why its touted benefits may not be a sure thing

Agriculture contributes an estimated one-quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. The economy in New Zealand, a tiny country at the ...
GLP’s Jon Entine on Seed World: How the Ukrainian war and African famine are changing public perceptions about genetic modification of crops and agricultural gene editing

GLP’s Jon Entine on Seed World: How the Ukrainian war and African famine are changing public perceptions about genetic modification of crops and agricultural gene editing

There are many questions and misunderstandings that surround gene editing, especially as the world still works to understand the technology. In ...

Misinformation has stymied conversation on genetic innovations in food. Here’s how climate change, the war in Ukraine and rising scientific literacy are changing people’s minds

On the Dec. 7 episode of Seed Speaks, we're addressing the myths surrounding gene editing and how those misconceptions can ...
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New Zealand’s commitment to removing invasive animal predators opens the door to reconsidering its 20-year rejection of genetic modification

Aotearoa New Zealand, the Land of the Long White Cloud, is the first place to see the sunrise on a ...
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Viewpoint: Ideology not science — Here’s why NBC News’ factually inaccurate reporting on the ‘dangers’ of the weedkiller glyphosate sets a dangerous precedent

What happens when an online information resource leans into clickbait? It’s annoying but generally harmless entertainment. When it’s a resource ...
How social justice activists are undermining New Zealand’s efforts to produce a sustainable farming system

How social justice activists are undermining New Zealand’s efforts to produce a sustainable farming system

Sometimes—often, even—a singular ideological focus can have unintended consequences in food production that actually undermines the social justice goals that ...
Part II: Web of Disinformers: The network of anti-crop biotechnology activists, and the funders behind their campaigns

Part II: Web of Disinformers: The network of anti-crop biotechnology activists, and the funders behind their campaigns

Carey Gillam, once a reporter at Reuters covering food and farming, left her job under a cloud, challenged by her ...
Part I: Carey Gillam — Reporter turned organic propagandist who twists science in campaign to discredit biotechnology and conventional agriculture

Part I: Carey Gillam — Reporter turned organic propagandist who twists science in campaign to discredit biotechnology and conventional agriculture

With links to the Church of Scientology, anti-vaccine glyphosate litigator Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Organic Consumers Association, US Right to ...
Climate Action Farming: What farmers need to do to adapt as our planet heats up—and why organic and ‘regenerative agriculture’ cannot meet the challenge

Climate Action Farming: What farmers need to do to adapt as our planet heats up—and why organic and ‘regenerative agriculture’ cannot meet the challenge

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
There are a number of practices that farmers could use to manage their land in ways that would optimally remove ...
Genetic differences key to why sub-Saharan Africans have lower rates of COVID infections and fewer severe cases than other population groups

Genetic differences key to why sub-Saharan Africans have lower rates of COVID infections and fewer severe cases than other population groups

Why did COVID-19 impact certain populations more than others? That mystery is slowly coming into focus. For the first time, ...
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