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False positives and false promises for Alzheimer’s disease

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
A recent study claims to predict Alzheimer's disease with just a blood test. But analysis of the reported statistics show ...

Missisippi baby with HIV cured by early therapy, now positive for virus’ DNA again

Heidi Ledford&nbsp|&nbsp
Two months shy of her fourth birthday, paediatricians gave the ‘Mississippi baby’ bad news: her HIV infection, seemingly vanquished by ...

Scientists look for ‘gerontogens’ substances that work with our genes to induce aging

Ed Yong&nbsp|&nbsp
Why do our bodies age at different rates? Why can some people run marathons at the age of 70 while ...

Two mutatons linked to common liver cancer, may help target treatments

Two genetic mutations in liver cells may drive tumor formation in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA), the second most common form of ...

Examining California stem cell agency’s shady business ties

Pete Shanks&nbsp|&nbsp
Alan Trounson, until very recently president of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), has accepted a position on the ...

Patient with nasal tissue tumor illustrates unknowable side effects of stem cells

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
A patient at a Portuguese hospital had a nasal tissue tumor removed from the site of an eight-year-old stem cell ...

China lifts ban on prenatal genetic testing

Angela Meng&nbsp|&nbsp
The mainland has lifted the controversial ban on medical diagnostic products that can help detect birth defects in unborn children ...

Kids with two mutations in HLA gene much more likely to develop celiac disease

Ricki Lewis&nbsp|&nbsp
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotype DR3-DQ2 is associated with dosage-dependent increases in risk for celiac disease autoimmunity and celiac disease ...

Tooth decay a genetic problem

Paul Frysh&nbsp|&nbsp
Remember "The Big Book of British Smiles" from "The Simpsons"? The dentist used it to scare children into proper dental ...

Don’t pick on three-parent IVF: We already create ‘designer’ children

Olga Khazan&nbsp|&nbsp
A new type of in-vitro fertilization procedure allows doctors to transfer the mitochondrial DNA from one woman into the egg ...
A Fathers Love

Are older dads genetically risky?

Tabitha M. Powledge&nbsp|&nbsp
Dad's age at the time of conception increases risk of some genetically linked diseases including autism and schizophrenia. But older ...

Massachusetts biotech incentives eclipsed by competitive states

Priyanka Dayal McCluskey&nbsp|&nbsp
Massachusetts has made its way over the past half-dozen years to being an undisputed leader in biotechnology and life sciences ...
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Using genetic risk and math, scientists predict which teen drinkers will develop problem

Virgina Hughes&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists have pinpointed lots of factors that increase the risk of alcohol misuse — a bit. Adolescents who are anxious ...
red blood cells

Genetically engineered red blood cells could be drug delivery drones

Clare Wilson&nbsp|&nbsp
Red blood cells may one day do more than carry oxygen around the body – they have been genetically engineered ...

Controversial stem cell papers finally, officially retracted

Karen Kaplan&nbsp|&nbsp
Following months of controversy, editors at the scientific journal Nature have retracted two high-profile studies that purported to demonstrate a ...

Gene modification of adult cells offers more hope for Type 1 diabetes than stem cells

Salynn Boyles&nbsp|&nbsp
By deleting a single gene in human gut endocrine progenitor and serotonin-producing cells, researchers reported that they were able convert ...

Developmental brain gene protects against Alzheimer’s disease

Esther Hsieh&nbsp|&nbsp
More than five million people in the U.S. have Alzheimer's disease. Scientists at Harvard Medical School and their colleagues have ...

Anti-GMO advocates try to scare diabetics off life-saving genetically engineered drug treatment

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
Usually food-obsessed anti-GMO advocates have turned their sights toward one of modern technology’s must prized successes: genetically engineered synthetic human ...

Call for integrity for stem cell research amid global controversy

Pete Shanks&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists around the world are campaigning in favor of sensible regulation of stem-cell therapies. We have two reactions: (1) kudos ...

Genesis and ethics of embryo’s conceived with help of a third parent

Kim Tingley&nbsp|&nbsp
In August 1996, at St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, N.J., a 39-year-old mechanical engineer from Pittsburgh named Maureen Ott ...
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T-cells trained to fight viruses offer hope for bone marrow transplant patients

Kenrick Vezina&nbsp|&nbsp
A team at the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas has devised a much more efficient method for 'training' killer ...

Reverse reefer madness? Schizophrenia genes predict heavy pot use

Geoffrey Mohan&nbsp|&nbsp
Does marijuana smoking cause psychosis? Or could psychosis drive pot smoking? If you believe the panned and parodied 1936 film ...

Nature vs. nurture affects how we age

What makes us age biologically? We have always been intrigued by this question. Yet, it remains a fundamental research challenge ...
Agarose gel with UV illumination Ethidium bromide stained DNA glows orange close up

What is ‘precision medicine’?

Kavin Senapathy&nbsp|&nbsp
The future of precision medicine means every patient will have treatments and prevention tailored to his or her genes and ...
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Shitty story: Oldest-ever human fossil feces suggests Neanderthal’s omnivory

Kenrick Vezina&nbsp|&nbsp
Poop is the 'perfect evidence' when it comes to answering questions about diet, and a record-setting new find of fossilized ...
Lite Trac Crop Sprayer

Herbicide-resistant crops can exacerbate ‘superweeds’ but new GM versions can help control problem

XiaoZhi Lim&nbsp|&nbsp
The growing problem of herbicide-resistant weeds has weed scientists and regulators pushing for more solutions to tackle the problem, including ...

Stem cells responsible for fat in bone marrow and consequent disease

Mark Derewicz&nbsp|&nbsp
Our bones are not stagnant, rock-like things. They change. Marrow—the tissue inside bones—is full of various kinds of cells. And ...
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