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Blame human evolution for corporate jargon and thick academic prose

Patrick Whittle | 
For anyone who’s ever worked in a large organization, this kind of message will be depressingly familiar: “Do you have ...

Children born more than 3 weeks premature may develop language problems

Marte Dæhlen | 
[R]esearchers have looked at the language development of preterm children – both those born three weeks early and those born ...

Our ancestors may have evolved the ability to talk 27 million years earlier than we thought

Brian Handwerk | 
Some scientists have theorized that it only became physically possible to speak a wide range of essential vowel sounds when ...
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Pursuit of ‘speech prosthetic’ for people who’ve lost the ability to talk could be boosted by this discovery

Shawna Williams | 
One [area of the brain is called] the “hand knob,” which, as the name suggests, is a knobby region of ...

Early speech exposure could boost language skills for kids with autism

Alla Katsnelson | 
The more words autistic children hear as infants — and the more verbal interactions they have with their caregivers — ...
new brain implant

Are we moving closer to mind reading? Facebook-funded study turns brain signals into text

Ian Sample | 
With a radical new approach, doctors have found a way to extract a person’s speech directly from their brain.  The ...
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Turning brain signals into speech using artificial intelligence moves closer to reality

Giorgia Guglielmi | 
In an effort to provide a voice for people who can’t speak, neuroscientists have designed a device that can transform ...

Converting thought to speech: Brain implants could help paralyzed patients communicate

Sharon Begley | 
[Neurosurgeon Ashesh Mehta] was operating on [an] epilepsy patient to determine the source of seizures. But the patient agreed to ...
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What do toddlers and chimpanzees have in common? They use the same unspoken language

George Dvorsky | 
Prior to developing the capacity for speech, toddlers communicate their desires, demands, and discontent using a diverse repertoire of physical ...
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Why other primates can’t talk: It’s all in the brain

Meilan Solly | 
Compared to humans, most primates produce a limited range of vocalizations: At one end of the spectrum, there’s the Calabar angwantibo, ...
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