‘Like turning a golf ball into string’: Making meat substitutes is not easy

‘Like turning a golf ball into string’: Making meat substitutes is not easy

If you’re an environmentally aware meat-eater, you probably carry at least a little guilt to the dinner table. The meat ...
Why do some animals live extraordinarily long lives — and can humans benefit from studying them?

Why do some animals live extraordinarily long lives — and can humans benefit from studying them?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Life, for most of us, ends far too soon — hence the effort by biomedical researchers to find ways to ...
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Why SARS disappeared in 2003 while the coronavirus keeps on spreading

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The unusual cases of pneumonia began to appear in midwinter, in China. The cause, researchers would later learn, was a ...
coronavirus covid dna

Using ‘genomic breadcrumbs’ to track the coronavirus—and predict how to cope with it

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Rapid sequencing of viral genomes can help public health officials figure out the origins, spread and nature of quickly moving ...
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Exercise Rx: Physical activity is ‘personal regenerative medicine’ and ‘acts like pharmaceutical drugs’

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
As researchers learn more about how exercise fights chronic ills like heart disease and diabetes, doctors may soon be able ...
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How our bodies protect cancer and why this could be key to better chemotherapy treatments

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Tumors resist chemotherapy with help from a surprising source: nearby normal cells. Researchers are developing workarounds ...
bennett men women story top

Long-term partnership or quickie hookup: Can evolution explain why a woman chooses one over the other?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
For women, a short-term fling may involve a quest for good genes or just a good time. It’s a puzzle ...
sour taste

Sour or sweet? Your genes guide your food preferences

The Scientist&nbsp|&nbsp
Every one of us, I learned through my preliminary research for Flavor: The Science of Our Most Neglected Sense, probably ...

‘Resurrected gene’ offers glimpse into Earth’s evolutionary past

New Scientist&nbsp|&nbsp
A resurrected gene, brought back from the dead in the lab, is allowing molecular biologists to travel billions of years ...
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Building synthetic life: Yeast experiments pave way for new drugs, treatments

New Scientist&nbsp|&nbsp
The team that built the first synthetic yeast chromosome [in 2014] has now added five more chromosomes, totaling roughly a ...

Bonobos’ tool use mirrors that of early humans

New Scientist&nbsp|&nbsp
Bonobos can be just as handy as chimpanzees. In fact, bonobos' tool-using abilities look a lot like those of early humans, ...

Were women the masterminds behind hunting with weapons?

New Scientist&nbsp|&nbsp
Women could have been the first humans to use weapons to hunt. An analysis of spear-wielding chimps, most of which ...
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