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Iowa farmer debunks 8 popular myths about GMOs

[Editor's note: Michelle Miller, known on social media as the Farm Babe, raises lamb and beef cattle, and grows almost ...
o BURGERS facebook

Does a burger from a hormone-treated cow pose a health problem? Maybe, if you eat the bun

[This article was written by Michelle Miller, aka Farm Babe, who raises lambs and beef cattle, and grows almost 2,000 ...
Miller Shiva

Iowa farmer challenges activist Vandana Shiva after ‘myth-filled’ anti-GMO lecture

Genetic Literacy Project | 
The philosopher-trained critic of technological innovation spoke at Drake University last week. Unlike what usually happens at public events where ...
money growing from the ground Newsletter

Who funds the grassroots anti-GMO movement?

Genetic Literacy Project | 
A farmer discusses the tactics of anti-GMO leaders and how they use grassroots movements to promote organic products ...
seed swap

View from the farm: Why conventional and organic farmers don’t want to save seeds

Genetic Literacy Project | 
A common criticism of GMOs is that corporations force farmers to buy new seeds every year. But do farmers actually ...
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If you care about the future of our planet, here’s why you should support GMOs

Genetic Literacy Project | 
Farmers describe how GMOs have enabled them to reduce their use of the older, more toxic insecticides, and reduce their ...
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