Is there a scientific basis to the paleo diet?

Christie Aschwanden | 
The problem with modern diets is that they rely too heavily on modern, processed foods. If only we emulated the ...
cord blood banking by drcornelius

Private umbilical cord cell banking: Good idea or scam?

David Warmflash | 
You only have to Google search “cord blood” or similar phrases, or even just read an article about pregnancy and ...

How beneficial gut bacteria survive the host’s immune response

Kate Yandell | 
Mammalian hosts fight gut infections in part by releasing antimicrobial peptides that disrupt bacterial membranes. But it has been unclear ...
Melting Pot

Melting pot? Not in the USA. Yet. But coming soon?

Tabitha M. Powledge | 
A recent study further debunks the myth that the U.S. is a genetic melting pot. The study, the largest ever ...
GMO shill

The long-elusive GMO shill

px Human evolution

Is there a method to the chaos of evolution?

Philip Ball | 
Is the natural world creative? Just take a look around it. Look at the brilliant plumage of tropical birds, the ...

Apple juice may help ward off Alzheimer’s disease

Ben Locwin | 
Emerging evidence suggests nutrition plays a more critical role in neurodegeneration than originally thought. As little as two glasses of ...

Reaching beyond Darwinian evolution to explain the diversity of life

Philip Ball | 
Is the natural world creative? Just take a look around it. Look at the brilliant plumage of tropical birds, the ...

Does a whale’s genome hold the secret to longevity?

Becky Oskin | 
In a search for genes that fight off aging, researchers have now charted the bowhead whale genome. Bowheads are filter ...
new guinea singing dog

Dogs tell story of ancient human migration

Dogs successfully migrated to the Americas about 10,000 years ago, according to a new study. That's a long time ago ...

Is obesity rooted in your genes? Not exactly

Ben Locwin | 
In what seems to be another piece of evidence in favor of genes being impacted in differential ways over time ...

Unusual reproduction of nematodes may illuminate sexual evolution in animals

Carl Zimmer | 
The vinegar worm (officially known as Caenorhabditis elegans) is about as simple as an animal can be. When this soil-dwelling ...

New antibiotic thwarts bacterial resistance

Ed Yong | 
The British chemist Lesley Orgel had a rule: Evolution is cleverer than you. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have repeatedly proven him right. Since ...
ap world championships

Can we yet use genetics to determine which sports are best for our kids?

David Warmflash | 
Can you choose sport based on your biology, or better yet a sport that might be good for your kids? ...
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‘Abominable Snowman’ hairs match DNA of ancient polar bear

Steven McKenzie | 
Last year, Oxford University genetics professor Bryan Sykes revealed the results of DNA tests on hairs said to be from ...

Insects provide valuable look into genetics of how societies are built

Claire Asher, Seirian Sumner | 
Eusocial insects are among the most successful living creatures on Earth. Found in terrestrial ecosystems across the globe (on every ...
baa f z

Genes have a time clock, new obesity study reveals

Arvind Suresh | 
Although genes drive many human behaviors, new research suggests their impact changes over time—when the environment changes so does the ...
secrets of the sperm bank

To women looking for sperm donor, does personality trump career?

Natalie Bochenski | 
A study of online sperm markets shows women value more than just money when it comes to choosing a father ...

Worriers more likely to be smart

Victoria Woollaston | 
Worriers can be kept awake at night replaying the day, or imagining all the possible worst case scenarios in their ...
Science Fotolia XS

How to spot a science ideologue

David Warmflash | 
Critics of consensus science--those who challenge the certainty of evolution, the reality of human caused global warming, or the safety ...

Scientists urge revamped regulations for genetic engineering

Tabitha M. Powledge | 
Scientists are calling for revamped regulation of genetic modification, especially the new techniques not subject to current rules ...

Does neuroscience need to revise how it looks at the brain?

Tom Stafford | 
How much of our brain do we actually need? A number of stories have appeared in the news in recent ...
px Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Can chemicals evolve? Testing recipes for the origin of life

Arvind Suresh | 
Scientists are testing the ability of simple chemicals to evolve under the guidance of a robot. Could this be one ...
g human dna sequence spl

What’s the genetic ancestry of average Americans?

Lizzie Wade | 
In the United States, almost no one can trace their ancestry back to just one place. And for many, the ...
Charles Darwin

What Charles Darwin got wrong

Matt Simon | 
It’s hard to overstate just how brilliant and huge an idea Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection was ...

Why we see faces in inanimate objects

Virginia Hughes | 
Most people are obsessed with faces. We see faces everywhere, even in things that are most definitely not faces. The most ...

Reconstructing ancestors’ genomes using DNA data from descendants

Francie Diep | 
David Speegle was a preacher in Alabama in the 1800s. Apparently he was very serious about the Bible's charge to ...
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